My wi-fi is acting up and keeps dropping. It might be this laptop though as my other laptop doesn't seem to drop as much.
Could be that an upgrade of firmware to your wireless router may help out. I had a similar problem (Most PC's worked very fine, but not all of them..... hm..................) with a d-link dir655 and an upgrade made it much better (but still not 100%) but the upgrade also erased all configs on the router, so you need to make backups.....
this was not here..... but in my Kyiv home
Oh my god..... I been to Kyiv 8 times in 9 monts, that's like flying almost two times around the world.....
Although it may be an idea to start troubleshooting at he PC side...........
Yes it may be the router even if you only see the issue with one PC.....
A colleague of mine never got the wireless to work with Vista, and he spent so much time on this, and problem was VISTA...... but an upgrade to firmware on Wireless router to make it Vista compatible fixed it
Wonder why I'm not using Windows Vista? but Linux (Suse Enterprise Desktop on my Dell laptop)