Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
Yep, Bored....

Time for bed...I like to watch M*A*S*H DVD's in bed before I go to sleep...Fasinating, I know.:)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Good thing we got this here thread. I had nothing better to do today than this:

That switch controls the light above the sink...

...This is the done deal. The switch turns the light on and juices the outlet.

...and tomorrow you can flip it over so it isn't upside down. This is America! ON is either up or to the right, and the ground in the outlet is always down. Good thing I check in once in a while to keep you guys straight... ;):D


Audioholic Slumlord
...and tomorrow you can flip it over so it isn't upside down. This is America! ON is either up or to the right, and the ground in the outlet is always down. Good thing I check in once in a while to keep you guys straight... ;):D
In this country you let a guy shoot a chair and he acts like he owns the joint. Actually on commercial jobs they put the ground up a lot IIRC. Secondly I want the receptacle up to receive the plug from a little halogen light kit that I am going to put under the cabinets on that side. It will have a 90 degree plug to further minimize obtrusive protrusions. I suppose I will have to do something if my g/f starts to confuse 'on' with 'no' but I think she's gonna manage.

And I hope the adjustment isn't too much for you.
Weren't you gonna post a pick of yourself way back?

And not a word about the sheer awesomeness of the mud work around the box?
You just don't see that everyday on an audio forum where 3 guys are bored out of their skulls.
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Audioholic Jedi
I've caught up on some threads from today.

Time to get back to work. Later, all!


Audioholic Field Marshall
In this country you let a guy shoot a chair and he acts like he owns the joint. Actually on commercial jobs they put the ground up a lot IIRC. Secondly I want the receptacle up to receive the plug from a little halogen light kit that I am going to put under the cabinets on that side. It will have a 90 degree plug to further minimize obtrusive protrusions. I suppose I will have to do something if my g/f starts to confuse 'on' with 'no' but I think she's gonna manage.

And I hope the adjustment isn't too much for you.
Weren't you gonna post a pick of yourself way back?

And not a word about the sheer awesomeness of the mud work around the box?
You just don't see that everyday on an audio forum where 3 guys are bored out of their skulls.
Yeah I knew there was probably a good reason you did it that way, I just needed to give you some hell because I haven't in a while. Good job on the awesomeness of the mud. It is an art in itself, but that is something you have done in the past for money, so I assume you have had more practice than many.

You remembered the pic - damn! You know, a photograph steals your soul and dissipates it into nothingness... or something. My people don't like to be photographed (apparently I am 1/128th Shoshone Indian...or something, hence the "my people" comment).

I posted a guitar smashing video of me doing some guitar smashing a while back! Wasn't that better than a pic? ;)


Audioholic Field Marshall
I want some Ben & Jerry's/Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream so bad. I am like an alcoholic pining for a pint right now.

I've got the shakes...


Audioholic Jedi
My work laptop battery is low, so I'm taking a break out in the living room on my home laptop while the pooch enjoys a rawhide strip.


Audioholic Slumlord
that is something you have done in the past for money
I was sick of it then but I kind of miss it now. Union rules say that that work belongs to tapers, not carpenters so I'm not allowed to do that on union jobs.

That is semi-gloss paint on that section of wall above the sink which would reveal any flaws and there are always imperfections around boxes. You can even see that little line where the cover plate left an indentation in the paint on the left of the box. All this time off from work has done wonders for getting me acquainted with my camera.


Audioholic Samurai
I just got done sitting through 4.5 hours of traffic school...

At least I'm home eating In n Out and having a brew, now.

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