Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Slumlord
How much better could it get? :D
Start with the smell of breakfast cooking. A drive down to the beach where there were some classic cars, a ton of bikes and of course some girls exposing their tender bits after a long hibernation. A nice Angus (leave the 'g' alone :D) burger with a blue cheese sauce and coffee with friends on the way back.

Oh yeah, down at the beach I had 4 ginger ales with a splash of cranberry with that little lime wedge stuck onto the rim of the glass. Red and sweet. Mmmm...:D The fist one cost me a couple of bucks that I enjoyed sitting out in the sun while waiting for an out door table and the rest were not on the bill so I gave the waiter a 10 spot on a $15 lunch tab (me & the girl). Her drinks were free too.

Yeah, it can get better. But when I got home I ran to the computer. I still have a couple of articles to get through before I can show my face in the BR-1 thread. :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
I suppose that it could be better.

Great. My illusion is crumbling down around me. There's no smell of bacon here. No sun, no bikinis. No girly drinks that make me feel pretty.

AH sucks. This forum sucks. :(

;) :D


Audioholic General

Not sure how many of you guys love to fish but this fish was caught today on the kanawha river.


Audioholic General
I suppose that it could be better.

Great. My illusion is crumbling down around me. There's no smell of bacon here. No sun, no bikinis. No girly drinks that make me feel pretty.

AH sucks. This forum sucks. :(

;) :D
now wait a minute, let me got this straight. illusions yes, bacon no, no sun,bikinis no, girly drinks no. :eek:

is this correct?


Senior Audioholic
Nice catch!!! The things that are big around here (where I live) are Bass, Rainbow/Brown Trout, Northerns, and Muskies... I will have to find some pics of past catches for ya.

(Update: 4 1/2 hours left for Windows 7 -- and the excitement begins to take over)


Audioholic Spartan
Watched F1 @ 7:30am (boy I was tired and the race was only so so), road the exercise bike (not enough evidently since I'm not loosing weight), removed crib from the attic so my wife could give it to someone at her work (more difficult than one would think), scrubbed the grill (yea, about as exciting as it sounds) , argued with the wife (about nothing, of course), cooked kabobs for dinner (weren't that great), went to Home Depot to bring home a grill that the neighbor lady bought (She's my son's friends mom, widowed with 3 kids under the age of 13. Like I can say no...), Then I put together a Guinea Pig cage for another neighbor lady. (hey I was already there dropping off the grill so why not.) far so boring:)


Audioholic General
Nice catch!!! The things that are big around here (where I live) are Bass, Rainbow/Brown Trout, Northerns, and Muskies... I will have to find some pics of past catches for ya.

(Update: 4 1/2 hours left for Windows 7 -- and the excitement begins to take over)
please do!! anyway i love fishing. We have alot of trout streams around here. will get back to you about more cool fishing pictures.


Mopped the kitchen floor, stubbed my toe on the baby's crib, took the trash out and ate a blow of oatmeal. Wife is making Parmesan chicken for dinner tonight then we are watching The Day The World Stood Still.


Audioholic Spartan
Mopped the kitchen floor, stubbed my toe on the baby's crib, took the trash out and ate a blow of oatmeal. Wife is making Parmesan chicken for dinner tonight then we are watching The Day The World Stood Still.
Hi Matt,

How is the little Audioholic anyhow? I hope she is doing well!:)


Audioholic General
Good night ladies!! gotta get up early. You guys rock and roll!!


Audioholic Slumlord
stubbed my toe ... chicken for dinner tonight
argued with the wife ... went to Home Depot
^^^The story of my life ... :)^^^

Hey Adam,

Come back! Yesterday sucked! An argument ruined my plans for cohabitational bliss so I went off on my own to a flea market that was not open yet. I was starving so I went into a Ruby Tuesday that smelled bad so I left without eating. A short tour of Woodcrafters quickly reminded me that I couldn't even afford wood in there. I went to a friends to pick something up but he wasn't home so I let myself in and got what I needed. His dog looked at me funny. I scored stuff on Craigslist but the girl wanted to come with and make me miserable ... for two hours. Then when we got home she felt I needed more misery so that's what she gave me. What else ... oh yeah, I felt like smoking all day. There's a living hell.

Today was a much needed change. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Very cool, Matt!

I need to get out more. I was a bit suprised to see that you don't actually resemble a South Parkian dark lord. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I did a Google image search for "nht 1.5 stands" for another thread here, and the sixth image was my signature picture of Niki. I was pretty surprised...and thrilled, honestly.
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