Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
I just wonder if someone is going to come on here and say, "Hey! Some Alex guy is using my photos." Just like Mike and Yetti found out with their gear pictures. :D
NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Have you seen those pictures????????????


Audioholic Jedi
I'm watching Burn Notice from USA Network's website. I really enjoy that show.


Audioholic Spartan
Ahhh, yes. You make a solid point, Dave.
Alex is logged in but apparently hasn't seen this thread yet. When he reads my comments, I think I'm going to need a good hiding spot, like under my front porch.

Edit - Oh damn, now he knows where I'm hiding...I'm dead.:eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Misinformation is the key, brother! You should say something like, "Now I'll just have to go hide in the Caymans." Totally safe. After all, once he goes there, he probably won't want to leave.
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Ok - since I haven't shared yet... here's my bad hair day self-portrait pic from today .... :eek:

And here's a studio pic from before Christmas taken with my son as a present for my parents - we call it our Ventriloquist pic. Not that he's a dummy ... hell he's way smarter than I was at his age. He's so smart it scares me sometimes. ;) :eek:



I just watched Pineapple Express again with my family. I was thinking about my projector's black levels the whole time, or lack thereof (how sad indeed:)).


I need to send a post to an expert here that knows about a projector I'm looking at from a thread two years old.:)


Audioholic Slumlord
Alex that pic is classic!
I thought so. It is probably the worst pic that I have of myself but for some reason I hung onto it. Last 4th of July a mess of my g/f's family got this beach house cook out thing going on (me ... grill man/photographer) and I passed that pic around for everyone to see. It was hilarious. They all got looks on their faces like they were worried about catching the ugly bug by holding the camera.

Crazy thing is that I'm not all banged up from the night before or anything like that but I did feel rough. Sometimes I get like sugar hang overs. Anyways I'm glad you enjoyed the pic. This ain't no beauty pageant but you probably already figured that out.


Audioholic Samurai
Here I am, a few minutes ago, tired, wanting to go to bed, but I have to work at Midnight. God I love my job.

Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
I just thought I would drag Jamie's mug into this thread. He's on the left.
Dayum... a bad hair day group pic :D :D :D

BTW - if you wanna know where I got the t-shirt in my pic check this out for a few chuckles. I saw a link to it somewhere a while back ... may have been here a and it was so damn funny I had to get a t-shirt - scroll down the page for a couple of hilarious "commercials" and farther down read what's on the back of the t-shirt -- pretty darn funnnnnnny. :D

ROFLMAO still :D :D


Audioholic Spartan
Popular demand and a recent visit by a rather large and imposing monkey have compelled me to take a picture. Here's a photo of me taken just minutes ago. Please note: I don't have bad hair days.

BTW, here's my little computer setup we've been working on the last couple of days. The room is dang cluttered with furniture from my recent basement flood but once the room is tidied up I think it will be a nice place to Audioholicize.



Audioholic Slumlord
Aren't you guys scared of stalkers ;)?
Who's gonna stalk me? And for what? Would they follow me to the grocery store? Maybe when things pick up they would like to follow me to work?:confused:

I might be interested in stalking someone for purely recreational reasons. Sport stalking I would call it but aren't you suppose to be sneaky? With me it would be like the elephant hiding behind a tree.:)

EDIT: Wow Dave! You look like a normal person. Just wow. I thought 'speech writers' would have a look. I mean most people can't put together an opinion and present an argument like you are able to but this is amazing and you're not that old either. I reserve the right to get back to you with some form of payback for the Bull Shannon business.;):D
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Audioholic Slumlord
I finally feel like part of the online AH pseudo-family now :D;).
Good, good ... now take the next step.:)

Check the Bahamas and check in Negril. The closest you'll find is a month old bill.:D
Is that a Jimmy Buffet lyric? :confused:
You keep making me Google stuff (Bull Shannon and Negril).:rolleyes:
I just noticed your location and laughed out loud. :D

Your book collection really caught my attention. Several years ago I gave up snooping as dirty and weak minded activity but in this instance I was unable to resist. In the face of this temptation my resolve crumbled and the next thing I knew, there I was; magnifying ... scrolling ...

Suh-nooping !!! :eek:

(now I go to wash ... well ... after one more peek)
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Audioholic Jedi
Here I am, a few minutes ago, tired, wanting to go to bed, but I have to work at Midnight. God I love my job.
Man, I used to be able to pretend that the beautiful woman from you avatar was my illusion is smashed. :D

Thanks for the pic!


Audioholic Samurai
Man, I used to be able to pretend that the beautiful woman from you avatar was my illusion is smashed. :D

Thanks for the pic!
I am the Dreamcrusher. Well, actually my wife is, but that's a story for another day. :eek:
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