Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Ninja
J/K, boys. Carry on.

OTOH, here are a couple of Audioholics that should have gotten a room before the camera came by. :cool: :D



Audioholic Jedi
Is that you and Dave? Great picture!

EDIT - Never mind on the question. I just copied the image and saw the name of the file. :D
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Audioholic Jedi
If you're looking for another 3-way I wanna let you know up front that I'm not gonna be the meat in the manwhich this time! :eek:
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but there's a Heineken commercial that would give me the willies.


Audioholic Ninja
Is that you and Dave? Great picture!

EDIT - Never mind on the question. I just copied the image and saw the name of the file. :D
Naw, these guys are Refrigerator Perry and Sam Elliot. :D

Note the horsey thing stuck in Perry's head and the cuckoo BlueTooth coming out of Sam's left ear. ;)
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Audioholic Ninja
I think Dave is gonna kill me..........EEEEEEKKKK :eek: :eek:
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Audioholic Slumlord
Here's a pic of some other important dude's house in Vienna.

What kind of person goes on a European vacation with a throw away camera?


Audioholic Slumlord
are you guys going to make or something? Jeesh. :p
What are you trying to say dude? Spit it out. Tell ya what, put up your own pic and then say what ever it is that's on your mind.

Hey Tomorrow,

You don't drink at all do you? And why is your hand stuffed so deep into your pocket in that first pic? Whatcha got in there? :confused: :p :D


Audioholic Ninja
Hey Tomorrow,

You don't drink at all do you? And why is your hand stuffed so deep into your pocket in that first pic? Whatcha got in there? :confused: :p :D
In my left front pocket? Same thing as I'm grabbing in the other picture in my rear right pocket. ;)

Nope, had to give up the drink. One is too many and a hundred are not enough. No booze for 10 years, now. Why do you ask?


Audioholic Slumlord
In my left front pocket? Same thing as I'm grabbing in the other picture in my rear right pocket. ;)
That's a good size. :D

Nope, had to give up the drink. One is too many and a hundred are not enough. No booze for 10 years, now. Why do you ask?
Somewhere along the line you mentioned replacing smokes with tequila shots for as long as the liver could bear it. I assumed that meant no drinking but then the Major talks about drinking like he's a drinking man. Something doesn't quite fit.

Adam has 3 beers and is nowhere to be found. :D


Audioholic Ninja
That's a good size. :D

Somewhere along the line you mentioned replacing smokes with tequila shots for as long as the liver could bear it. I assumed that meant no drinking but then the Major talks about drinking like he's a drinking man. Something doesn't quite fit.

Adam has 3 beers and is nowhere to be found. :D
Major picks his spots, I think. But he's a surprisingly sober guy when he's away from Mazer and the Green One.

Yeah, a good morning tooth brushing with Joe Crow is an excellent way to start the day and kill your liver. :eek:

Adam...he only weighs 130. He's probably in the bathroom.


Audioholic Jedi
Adam has 3 beers and is nowhere to be found. :D
It was the fourth one that did me in. :D

In my defense, though - it was midnight and I'd only gotten four hours of sleep the night before, so I was tired. I had stayed up late (a) cleaning a patch on my carpet that my dog had wiped her rear across and (b) job searching.

Something I've wondered - does Alex ever sleep?


Audioholic Slumlord
I can only hope that you finished that beer before you passed out. You must really love your dog. If it were me I would be like, veggie dogs are so passe:



Audioholic Slumlord
I sleep ... at night.:eek:

But in the daytime ... :D

This fascination with pic's is all Mazer's fault ... I use to be a normal poster.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Field Marshall
Wow, I leave for a few hours to sleep and play Halo 3 and when I come back this has gotten all personal and veggie dog photoy and stuff! Aren't you guys scared of stalkers ;)?

Thanks for the chicklets Alex! You are the first person ever to give me a non-thanks rep and I got 2 little green chicklets for it! I finally feel like part of the online AH pseudo-family now :D;).


Audioholic Jedi
Aren't you guys scared of stalkers?
I was just thinking about that this morning as a movie idea. A beautiful cyber stalker is tracking down audioholics, one by one. But, she's more than a stalker - she's a black widow. She seduces them...and then kills them after they mate.

Kate Beckinsale stars in The Audioholic.

Thanks for the chicklets Alex!
Yep - Alex gives out some serious points!


Audioholic Field Marshall
I was just thinking about that this morning as a movie idea. A beautiful cyber stalker is tracking down audioholics, one by one. But, she's more than a stalker - she's a black widow. She seduces them...and then kills them after they mate.
I like it! I would assume that you would be the first or last one to be stalked, seduced, and killed on screen, rather than the in-between ones that would just be implied.

So are you thinking vinyl wardrobe for Kate, or more of the leather side of things :D?


Audioholic Jedi
So are you thinking vinyl wardrobe for Kate, or more of the leather side of things :D?
Leather sounds better to me, but I'd be fine either way. :)

I would assume that you would be the first or last one to be stalked, seduced, and killed on screen, rather than the in-between ones that would just be implied.
With my luck, she'd mate with and kill off a few others, but the feds would bust through the door and kill her in my house just before anything happened. For me, there'd be no Kate - plus, my AH buddies would be gone, and my new carpet would be ruined. Hmmm, this movie idea is starting to suck. :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
Leather sounds better to me, but I'd be fine either way. :)
I'd say leather too - vinyl's been done.

With my luck, she'd mate with and kill off a few others, but the feds would bust through the door and kill her in my house just before anything happened. For me, there'd be no Kate - plus, my AH buddies would be gone, and my new carpet would be ruined. Hmmm, this movie idea is starting to suck. :D
Ah, sounds like it needs a rewrite. No big deal. It happens all the time.

Oh hey! I just graduated to Full Audioholic!! Woohoo! :D
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