Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Oh hey! I just graduated to Full Audioholic!! Woohoo!
Congrats! It's always nice to get a new title, isn't it? Another 250 and you'll be Senior. You can do it!

I've got about 2300 more before I get to another title. Oh, well. I guess that I'll have to wait until Tuesday. :D
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Sheesh - been away for a couple days working on project proposals and it takes a while to catch up on this thread. Quick recap -- tuggin war, you show me yours I'll show you mine (with pictures - BTW - Alex do you work for Tony Soprano?), bromance three-way?, pocket pool, random architecture, Veggiedogs Redux, stalking Kate B, Strube is Full (congrats - the question is of what?) and yummy green Chiclets. :D :D


Audioholic Field Marshall
Boston? I have a brother who lives close to there with his family.

Me too, though my brother's family consists of a stinky, snooty, sheddy cat and a horribly mean, manipulative fiancee :rolleyes:.


Audioholic Slumlord
You guys really flew the coop. This the mac forum moderator brother? I live in RI and am about 45 miles away from downtown Boston.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, I'm off to walk the pooch. I plan on taking her to the state park - we haven't been there in at least two months.
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
^^^Good to see I ain't the only one having a bad hair day^^^ :D :D


Audioholic Spartan
Holy Carp, a lot has gone on in here since my last visit. Here's what I've learned so far. Adam resembles his dog and probably weighs about as much, both need to eat a fat juicy steak.:D Alex is just like Bull Shannon with a bad toupee.;) RJ is destined for a high noon gunfight in a dusty Old West town but if he turns sideways, he won't present a credible target for the other guy.:p

It's a good thing that my wife lost all our photos reformatiing both the laptop and the desktop on the same day, yet only saved a link to our albums instead of the actual albums. Otherwise, I would feel compelled to submit a pic of myself and subject myself to the same kind of less-than-helpful commentary I just provided of others'. It sucks that I lost all my pics of the USS Wisconsin, USS South Carolina, USS Yorktown and the Danville Tank Museum. It sucks worse that the reformat didn't work on the laptop and it's gone for two weeks to get a new hard drive under warranty.

Anyway, thanks for the pics guys. It's nice to visuallize who I'm talking to and I'll try to return the favor.


Alex you look like I feel dammit.....I am doing a show as I type this......Rogers Sipe project...Bobby Lee Rodgers and Jeff Sipe from ARU and Code Talkers..whooo hooo....


Audioholic Jedi
I just wonder if someone is going to come on here and say, "Hey! Some Alex guy is using my photos." Just like Mike and Yetti found out with their gear pictures. :D
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