Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
It was the original battery that I had to replace, so it was only 4.5 years old. I thought that was kinda soon for a battery to die, but my mechanic says that isn't out of the ordinary. The original batteries in my old Ranger and my wife's X-Trail lasted about 10 years.


Audioholic Ninja
It was the original battery that I had to replace, so it was only 4.5 years old. I thought that was kinda soon for a battery to die, but my mechanic says that isn't out of the ordinary. The original batteries in my old Ranger and my wife's X-Trail lasted about 10 years.
Wow, now granted I am kinda new to cars (life long two wheel only) but I seldom hear of batteries in the US lasting that long. 3-5 years seems to be the max under normal use.


Audioholic Overlord
I made it to midnight last night.

Not awake, mind you...but I made it.
HAHA, we made it too but stayed awake through midnight for the first time in 4 years. I made certain that I left the Four Roses Single Barrel sealed until 7 pm which helped a lot. I also drank a full 16 oz of water between each glass of Bourbon. I ended up drinking a little over 50% of the bottle alone but I feel pretty good this morning.


Audioholic Ninja
Pfft... we were soundly asleep by 9!

Poor cat was horrified though, as usual, by the fireworks. Thankfully my neighbors aren't douche's and don't shoot off til 2a, which is perfectly legal....


Audioholic Warlord
Wow, now granted I am kinda new to cars (life long two wheel only) but I seldom hear of batteries in the US lasting that long. 3-5 years seems to be the max under normal use.
Hey, 3-5 years was the range that my mechanic mentioned. I guess we lucked out with those batteries.


Audioholic Warlord
Gigabyte sent me a brand new MoBo to replace the fried one. Pretty sweet except for the completely non-functioning ethernet port. Good thing I had a USB 3.0 with ethernet lying around.

In other news Microsoft is still a giant bag of sh!t. For some unknown reason all of my office 365 programs won't let me sign in to my account, thereby defeating half the purpose of building this damn computer in the first place. It's always something. FML.


Audioholic Warlord
Office 365 works on a Mac. Just sayin'.

True that, but some of the other programs I need are windows only and don't seem to cooperate really well parallels. I'd love to be Mac only, but unfortunately schools are not really on board with macs and mac software.


Audioholic Slumlord
Joined a gym. I am a cliche ... but there's a pool. I'm like that Harkonnen dude floating around, bumping into sh!t.


Audioholic Ninja
LibreOffice works great on my Mac, and converts to whatever file type you need!


Audioholic Jedi
Alex joins a gym, and I buy new socks and t-shirts for the first time in years. I fear the first two signs have been revealed.


Audioholic Warlord
Joined a gym. I am a cliche ... but there's a pool. I'm like that Harkonnen dude floating around, bumping into sh!t.
I just put my gym membership on hold. I found that after a long day dealing with children I'd much rather sit in front of the projector screen than go work out. Although my gut is quickly getting out of hand.


Audioholic Slumlord
Alex joins a gym, and I buy new socks and t-shirts for the first time in years. I fear the first two signs have been revealed.
I just read the revelation so I got the reference.

I just put my gym membership on hold. I found that after a long day dealing with children I'd much rather sit in front of the projector screen than go work out. Although my gut is quickly getting out of hand.
Have you crested 200 lbs yet?


Audioholic Jedi
Jokes aside, these socks feel great. Yes, they are on my feet. :) Having non-work socks without holes in the heels is something that I haven't experienced in years.


Audioholic Slumlord
We watched Broadchurch on NF. Cheryl asked if I would help her with a cover up should she find herself in an unfortunate set of circumstances. I told her that one thing I believe about doing bad stuff is that it needs to be done alone but I asked if she would help me. She thought for a second and said, "Yes, I would absolutely help protect you." Nice, right? I then asked her what if she found that my gym bag was full of human feet.

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