Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord

I realize I may have said it funny (so please don't take my ranting as me being offended), but really it sucks. Up until I was in my early to mid 20's I didn't have digestive problems, but by the time I was 26 - 27 I started to have more intestinal issues that I can't necessarily explain. It went from being minor annoyance to an everyday problem. While I have subsided it a bit by avoiding certain food groups and things I know that agitate an existing condition that I have yet to have diagnosed. I haven't seen a doctor in years because it's just not affordable. People that have my kind of income are screwed no matter what they do. I make just enough not to be able to get assistance and not enough to afford any reasonable healthcare.

Again, I'm not offended. Not that it would matter if you did, some people could do with some offending.
Maybe you could try a fecal transplant. Just remember to clean that blender really well afterwards...


Audioholic Samurai
Adam, I agree with getting out of the house. Go see your family and friends.
Yes, you'll come back to the same house and memories but they may be more bearable after some time away.


Audioholic Slumlord
When I drive, anything on the road without a bumper and a seat belt better watch the f^%& out ... especially if it's likely to go under my wheels after I aim for it and hit the gas. Deer tend to come up over the hood and through the windshield so they get special consideration. I guess I don't want to hit any kids either. It would be nice if their parents taught the little pricks to stick to side walks and crosswalks though.


Audioholic Slumlord
I have installed a spell check program that runs on IE9 and 64bit Vista. Hotmail became Outlook and spell check was dropped. I had to enable 3rd party extensions in the Advanced Setting under Internet Options. You hear that? ADVANCED settings! Yep, that's me ... advanced. o_O


Audioholic Warlord
I have installed a spell check program that runs on IE9 and 64bit Vista. Hotmail became Outlook and spell check was dropped. I had to enable 3rd party extensions in the Advanced Setting under Internet Options. You hear that? ADVANCED settings! Yep, that's me ... advanced. o_O
If only I was more advanced, I could probably use "3rd party extensions" waaaay out of context...:oops::D


Audioholic Overlord
PS - I lied when I said "If a creature runs out in front of the car, I will reflexively hit my brakes/swerve/whatever." If it is a squirrel, I will not attempt to avoid them. We have lots around here so it is a common situation. I got very frustrated attempting to avoid them; if I zigged, they zigged, if I zagged, they zagged; I could not dodge them. I guess my thought process is too close to a squirrel's! Now, I leave it to them to avoid me and their survival rate is much higher...but that is exclusively squirrels!
Squirrel's are a big danger to cyclist as their behavior is so unpredictable when they see you. A lot of times they will come right for you, hit your front tire and get stuck in your spokes. This will normally result in an endo which can really tear you and your bike up. The stay out of the way better if they hear you before they see you so we yell at them a lot.'s+being+hit+by+cyclist&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiwo6XiitnJAhUBJCYKHTo8CZsQsAQIHA&biw=1440&bih=775


Audioholic Slumlord
Squirrels ... meet Gatling gun ... Sigh-oh-f^%&ing-narra.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Audioholic Warlord
That might be overkill for a squirrel, but a pedestrian or a Prius… just right.

Which group gets more offended by that, the anti-gun lobby or the helmet lobby?

I'm disappointed he didn't fire them. Or is it just a prop for the next Road Warrior movie?


Audioholic Slumlord
I thought it was just me that thought disliked Prius drivers. I don't know anything about that clip other than I like the music and that bike looks way cool.


Audioholic Warlord
I don't know anything about that clip other than I like the music and that bike looks way cool.
I have to wonder about those exhaust pipes. They look like they go right up the rider's nose.

Can you tell it's been a while since I rode a bike – never mind one with squirrel guns?


Audioholic Ninja
I hope to have enough land some day so I can get back to motorcycling... I think I'm done on the street!


Audioholic Overlord
I have to wonder about those exhaust pipes. They look like they go right up the rider's nose.
Those appear to be props. The stock dual exhaust pipes still come up diagonally across the rear wheel with heat shields in place. If the short pipes were real, it would look pretty cool at night with flames spitting out of them as short as they are!


Audioholic Slumlord
Can you tell it's been a while since I rode a bike – never mind one with squirrel guns?
I had no idea you rode bikes. Sensible people ride in cages. What did you have?

Those appear to be props.
Posers. Is everything on the internet a lie?

EDIT: Those are air intakes. Richard, I wondered the same thing but didn't really care enough to look closer until you mentioned it and I wanted to hear the tune again.

More Editing: I looked for clues about the bike and kinda figured Honda Gold Wing. Turns out I was right, an '84. When I was in high school I met a guy who had souped (sp) one up. He pulled all the fairings off to drop weight and had a mean sounding exhaust. That thing would do wheelies! I knew then and there that I needed that. I got my first of 4 bikes at 19 for a grand. Then I got a g/f with huge knockers. Life was good.
Last edited:

equal fred


I'm new at the Audioholics forum. I don't know how appropriate it is for me to post a comment here.
I noticed that earlier last week Seth=L made a comment about him having digestive issues.
Now I am very familiar with digestive problems as I have struggled with IBS for over 20 years.

Three months ago a friend of mine who also is doctor gave me a suggestion to use a recently developed app. I started using this app 6 weeks ago and 90% of my digestive problems are gone.

The diet and the app are developed by The Monash University, and much research is also done by the Martini Hospital in Groningen. This is the city where I live in the Netherlands.

For iOS you can download this app here

For Android you can download this app here

For more info about this diet you can read here

or here

The app costs arround 13 dollars. Compared to the many visits to doctors and the many years of suffering this was is a tiny investment for me. I hope you too can benefit from this diet and recover, or spread the news that digestive problems / IBS can be cured with a diet.

Much love



Audioholic Samurai
EDIT: Those are air intakes. Richard, I wondered the same thing
Me too. Couldn't imagine anybody putting exhaust there. My first reaction was it's another example of somebody putting something they know nothing about in a movie/video. (See it on TV all the time, especially w/ firearms.)

Watched the video to verify, then saw the exhaust in the rear. So those must be the air intake. Still strange. Doesn't look like any kind of filter. Great idea, especially for a dirt road.


Audioholic Slumlord
It's almost like you read the description of the video on YouTube...

It's almost like you went to sarcasm school.

The description was only found after I had psycho analyzed (my new favorite word) the video. The RAC fork wasn't helpful but a huge radiator and non UJM (universal Japanese motor) sort of excluded the bikes I'm familiar with. I was reminded of watching that guy pull that wheelie as he turned onto Elbow Dr in Calgary back in the early 80's.

My Youtube Kung Fu is weak.


Audioholic Warlord
I had no idea you rode bikes. Sensible people ride in cages. What did you have?
It was 1972 and I was in Pensacola for about 6 months in a Navy training school. I got a used Suzuki 250, two stroke two cylinder 250 cc. It was considered mid size in those days. I rode it around town and to the beach. I sold it to another guy when I was transferred overseas. I loved riding it, once I learned the hand & foot moves enough for it to be routine. That Navy base was an old air field built in the 1920s. I rode up & down the inactive runways for a few days until I said, time to hit the road.

After Pensacola, I was in southern Italy and then Alaska – no bikes there. After the Navy I was in Connecticut and riding a bike in the bad winters and bad roads there seemed like a bad idea. So I've never had another bike. Now I drive a Volvo.
EDIT: Those are air intakes. Richard, I wondered the same thing but didn't really care enough to look closer until you mentioned it and I wanted to hear the tune again.

More Editing: I looked for clues about the bike and kinda figured Honda Gold Wing. Turns out I was right, an '84. When I was in high school I met a guy who had souped (sp) one up. He pulled all the fairings off to drop weight and had a mean sounding exhaust. That thing would do wheelies! I knew then and there that I needed that. I got my first of 4 bikes at 19 for a grand. Then I got a g/f with huge knockers. Life was good.
Ahh, thanks for the mammarys.

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