Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
After an extremely long week of scrambling after the Honda Accord started acting up, and then 6 hours at the dealership today, I ended up with a 2013 Honda CR-V. Mileage was higher than I wanted, but the price was good enough to get the deal done. There's still a little paperwork to finish up on Monday or Tuesday, but essentially the car is mine. Even drove it home today. Funny how nice it is to drive something when you're not afraid the transmission could go out at any second.


Audioholic Jedi
Funny how nice it is to drive something when you're not afraid the transmission could go out at any second.
It is less stressful to not be afraid of it...but you know that it could still happen at any time on that car, too. :D

Just messing with you. Congrats on the new ride! I'm guessing the CRV has a bit more room in it, too. My neighbor across the street had an older CRV (I forget which year, but pre-2010 I'm sure) and got a new one (2015 model, I think). She sure seems happy with them.


Audioholic Slumlord
My desktop pc power supply fan is failing, but I am way too lazy to take everything apart to fix it....
Major procrastination ensues since this would way too boring


Audioholic Warlord
It is less stressful to not be afraid of it...but you know that it could still happen at any time on that car, too. :D

Just messing with you. Congrats on the new ride! I'm guessing the CRV has a bit more room in it, too. My neighbor across the street had an older CRV (I forget which year, but pre-2010 I'm sure) and got a new one (2015 model, I think). She sure seems happy with them.

Gee thanks :rolleyes: :p

Thanks, there's definitely more space. I love being back in something AWD and with the hatchback. I was pleasantly surprised by everything about the CR-V. Coming from my Mom's fully loaded Sante Fe, I had reasonably high expectations while trying to stay in my price range. Fingers crossed this thing has the same reliability as the internet says.



Audioholic Jedi
Congrats on the new headphones! FYI, my brother (who owns the 600s and now also owns the 598s) did the 558/598 mod and seemed to think that it was an improvement. I'll have to ask him how he'd rate his modded 558s against the 598s. I'll do that right now...


Audioholic Jedi
Okay, according to my brother, "the modified 558s are to the 598s as the 598s are to the 600s - not *as* good, but pretty close. They have a bit less presence and not quite the soundstage but are similar."


Audioholic Slumlord
Thx Adam, I already watched the foam removal mod video - seems pretty easy.


Audioholic Overlord
Left for work early this morning so I'd have time to stop at McDonalds and get a fancy drink. Go up to the drive thru, make my order, check my pocket only to realize I left my wallet at home. Not enough time to go home and get the wallet. :(


Audioholic Slumlord
Left for work early this morning so I'd have time to stop at McDonalds and get a fancy drink. Go up to the drive thru, make my order, check my pocket only to realize I left my wallet at home. Not enough time to go home and get the wallet. :(
Fancy drink from Mc'd ??? Around here folks get their "fancy drinks" from place which rhymes with celestial ducks


Audioholic Overlord
Fancy drink from Mc'd ??? Around here folks get their "fancy drinks" from place which rhymes with celestial ducks
I used to go there every single day I worked. Six days a week times $5 for my fancy drink is around $1500 a year in fancy drinks. I developed somewhat of a sensitivity to caffeine and certain types of dairy so I only get a fancy drink once in a great while and usually end up regretting less than an hour later. I figure if it's going to lead to that why spend $5 when I could spend $2 on a sub-par version of the same said fancy drink.

Fascinating right?


Audioholic Slumlord
I used to go there every single day I worked. Six days a week times $5 for my fancy drink is around $1500 a year in fancy drinks. I developed somewhat of a sensitivity to caffeine and certain types of dairy so I only get a fancy drink once in a great while and usually end up regretting less than an hour later. I figure if it's going to lead to that why spend $5 when I could spend $2 on a sub-par version of the same said fancy drink.

Fascinating right?


Audioholic Overlord

I realize I may have said it funny (so please don't take my ranting as me being offended), but really it sucks. Up until I was in my early to mid 20's I didn't have digestive problems, but by the time I was 26 - 27 I started to have more intestinal issues that I can't necessarily explain. It went from being minor annoyance to an everyday problem. While I have subsided it a bit by avoiding certain food groups and things I know that agitate an existing condition that I have yet to have diagnosed. I haven't seen a doctor in years because it's just not affordable. People that have my kind of income are screwed no matter what they do. I make just enough not to be able to get assistance and not enough to afford any reasonable healthcare.

Again, I'm not offended. Not that it would matter if you did, some people could do with some offending.

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