Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Slumlord

I realize I may have said it funny (so please don't take my ranting as me being offended), but really it sucks. Up until I was in my early to mid 20's I didn't have digestive problems, but by the time I was 26 - 27 I started to have more intestinal issues that I can't necessarily explain. It went from being minor annoyance to an everyday problem. While I have subsided it a bit by avoiding certain food groups and things I know that agitate an existing condition that I have yet to have diagnosed. I haven't seen a doctor in years because it's just not affordable. People that have my kind of income are screwed no matter what they do. I make just enough not to be able to get assistance and not enough to afford any reasonable healthcare.

Again, I'm not offended. Not that it would matter if you did, some people could do with some offending.
I can see how "funny" wasn't really appropriate.
I think I also understand better and It's kinda terrible situation than you can't afford to have medical care :(
Is it possible for you to get a job with City/State or Federal government organization or agency? They don't pay that much but at least have great benefits (so I heard)


Audioholic Overlord
Is it possible for you to get a job with City/State or Federal government organization or agency? They don't pay that much but at least have great benefits (so I heard)
I've been toying with the idea of getting a second part time job in order to A. supplement my income, and B. get reasonably priced health insurance offered by that employer. So basically I would be looking for an employer that offers good to great health care benefits that doesn't prevent me from doing my existing occupation.


Audioholic Overlord
You should try taking a probiotic daily for a month or two and see if repopulating your gut bugs helps.

Used to be a corpse could be dug up with confidence that it was nothing but bones after 6 years. That has changed to 10 years thanks to all of the preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics in our bodies.
If nature has a hard time "digesting" our bodies, it stands to reason that we have a harder time digesting food which is where most of these "additives" come from.


Audioholic Warlord
Headphone 2p mod which basically involves taking off the name caps on the left and right side and glueing a 2p coin to each side. Essentially this is mass loading behind the drivers thus reducing some resonance from the slightly thin plastic.

Anyone ever try this?


Audioholic Overlord
You should try taking a probiotic daily for a month or two and see if repopulating your gut bugs helps.

Used to be a corpse could be dug up with confidence that it was nothing but bones after 6 years. That has changed to 10 years thanks to all of the preservatives, pesticides, herbicides, and antibiotics in our bodies.
If nature has a hard time "digesting" our bodies, it stands to reason that we have a harder time digesting food which is where most of these "additives" come from.
I eat pretty healthy and get tons of cardio and weight lifting and I started using probiotics about 65 days ago. I haven't noticed anything at all since I started them. I have even caught two mild colds since then(one is just starting) which is really unusual for me.

I'm not saying these two things are related, just passing along my 45 day experience. I have another 15 days worth so I will take those but I am not sure I will continue past that.


Audioholic Overlord
Headphone 2p mod which basically involves taking off the name caps on the left and right side and glueing a 2p coin to each side. Essentially this is mass loading behind the drivers thus reducing some resonance from the slightly thin plastic.

Anyone ever try this?
I have never tried it but it seems like a mod that even I could pull off.

Now I just need some headphones, 2 pennies and some glue...


Audioholic Overlord
I eat pretty healthy and get tons of cardio and weight lifting and I started using probiotics about 65 days ago. I haven't noticed anything at all since I started them. I have even caught two mild colds since then(one is just starting) which is really unusual for me.

I'm not saying these two things are related, just passing along my 45 day experience. I have another 15 days worth so I will take those but I am not sure I will continue past that.
It is definitely a YMMV thing. Depending on how you define eating healthy, that is a big part of it, as is getting consistent good sleep and exercise.
Then there's genetics.
Just like some people can chain smoke all of their life without ever getting cancer.


Audioholic Slumlord
Okay, according to my brother, "the modified 558s are to the 598s as the 598s are to the 600s - not *as* good, but pretty close. They have a bit less presence and not quite the soundstage but are similar."
So, Got 558's yesterday - haven't had a chance for much critical listening yet, but initial review:
They are decently comfortable, more so than Fostex TR50ps but not as good as K712. They have good low bass representation. Haven't done the foam removal mod yet. Probably will do one side at the time and test with something like 1812 Overture DTS-CD.
I basically was watching a movie - Croupier (1998) - nothing hurt by end of movie - I probably have to tinker with my AVR settings as sound comes a bit of too much of spacey - same thing I've noticed on Fostex


Audioholic Jedi
Still not very hungry, but I managed to eat lunch today. Beer has calories, though, and that's about the only thing that makes being home bearable. All the stuff that used to seem important mean nothing now.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Being at home must be difficult. Do you have vacation time you can take? You should go visit your brother or parents and get a change in venue.


Audioholic Overlord
Still not very hungry, but I managed to eat lunch today. Beer has calories, though, and that's about the only thing that makes being home bearable. All the stuff that used to seem important mean nothing now.
Thanks for checking in!!!
My thoughts are with you.


Audioholic Jedi
Being at home must be difficult. Do you have vacation time you can take? You should go visit your brother or parents and get a change in venue.
Thanks. Being home really is difficult. Today was going to be my last day at work this year, leaving me about 3.5 weeks to spend with Niki and spoil her. It tears me apart that she put up with me working late and didn't get to enjoy that. Now...I'm at a loss for what to do. I just don't want to be here. I'm probably going to work this weekend. I still really can't eat here. That's something that we shared, and it doesn't feel right to do it alone. I know it will pass, but not yet.

Thanks for the suggestion on visiting family. I've spoken with all of them, and we have all lived through this, so we can relate. One of my brothers mentioned that I was always welcome to come out and see them. I just checked on prices for flights. Woah. To go to Chicago is about $650, and Boston is over $1000. I clearly haven't checked in a while. I'll probably stay here and try to move forward. I know that I'd want Niki to be happy and keep going if I'd died, and I believe that she'd want the same. It's just that...God d*** it. The guilt is tremendous.


Audioholic Slumlord
Fly to Chicago and Boston for crying out loud. You got the time and the money. Go see some family members, get drunk, make a pass at your sister in law and then leave. Getting back to AZ after that will be most welcome.


Audioholic Warlord
Fly to Chicago and Boston for crying out loud. You got the time and the money. Go see some family members, get drunk, make a pass at your sister in law and then leave. Getting back to AZ after that will be most welcome.
I agree with the monkey. At times like this, just eat the cost because you'll be glad you did in the end. That time and money you would have spent taking care of and treating Niki you should spend taking care of yourself and focusing on the good times you had together. Go be with family and hey, if you're in the Northeast there are plenty of AH members to help you make bad decisions if you get tired of hanging out with the fam ;)


Audioholic Slumlord
One more thing: guilt ... you would need bad intentions to feel the full measure. You're probably not use to it so your guilt feels real but I think it is sorrow.

if you're in the Northeast there are plenty of AH members
That's not going to lure him in ...


Audioholic Overlord
I eat pretty healthy and get tons of cardio and weight lifting and I started using probiotics about 65 days ago. I haven't noticed anything at all since I started them. I have even caught two mild colds since then(one is just starting) which is really unusual for me.

I'm not saying these two things are related, just passing along my 45 day experience. I have another 15 days worth so I will take those but I am not sure I will continue past that.

Might be the ones that were going around our area.


Audioholic Overlord
One more thing: guilt ... you would need bad intentions to feel the full measure.
Bears repeating!
5hit happens and sometimes it sucks...bad!:(

Every dog I have had and will have will ride in the car with me. If a creature runs out in front of the car, I will reflexively hit my brakes/swerve/whatever. I will adjust the radio, answer a call, etc while I am driving, so I won't always see a hazard as early as is possible. None of these things make me a bad person. Knowing your unfortunate circumstance is not going to lead me to change any of those behaviors anymore than knowing my daughter is at risk would cause me to prevent her from driving.
Life has risks and sometimes you are that unfortunate fraction of a percent.

PS - I lied when I said "If a creature runs out in front of the car, I will reflexively hit my brakes/swerve/whatever." If it is a squirrel, I will not attempt to avoid them. We have lots around here so it is a common situation. I got very frustrated attempting to avoid them; if I zigged, they zigged, if I zagged, they zagged; I could not dodge them. I guess my thought process is too close to a squirrel's! Now, I leave it to them to avoid me and their survival rate is much higher...but that is exclusively squirrels!

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