Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Samurai
Anyone heard from Alex/Oscar? He hasn't posted anything recently. Or is it lately? Hm. Maybe my Bryceo like grasp of the English language will bring him out.


Audioholic Jedi
Anyone else having issues with the forum?
Just a lack of people posting. So, thank you, sir. :D

Anyone heard from Alex/Oscar? He hasn't posted anything recently. Or is it lately? Hm. Maybe my Bryceo like grasp of the English language will bring him out.
I've seen him hand out thanks, so he's been around more recently than his posts would indicate.


Audioholic Jedi
I'd like a Tesla S. I don't want to buy one - they cost WAY more than their worth to me. But, I'd take one. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Agenda for today (outside of AH, of course):
* Vacuum more of the front yard
* Try to get my over-the-air DVR working again (probably just needs to be unplugged - the tuner isn't working)
* Do some Amazon reviews


Audioholic Spartan
Talking of Tesla, I've decided never to buy a car in NJ.
It's one of those issues where the history behind it has to be made known.

Examining the history of these laws to understand why they exist, as the auto dealer franchise laws were originally put in place for a just cause and are now being twisted to an unjust purpose.
Many decades ago, the incumbent auto manufacturers sold franchises to generate capital and gain a sales force. They then further invested a lot of their money and time in building up the dealerships. That’s a fair deal and it should not be broken. However, some of the big auto companies later engaged in pressure tactics to get the franchisees to sell their dealerships back at a low price. The franchisees rightly sought protection from their state legislatures, which resulted in the laws on the books today throughout the United States (these laws are not present anywhere else in the world).

The intent was simply to prevent a fair and longstanding deal between an existing auto company and its dealers from being broken, not to prevent a new company that has no franchisees from selling directly to consumers.
In most states, the laws are reasonable and clear. In a handful of states, the laws were written in an overzealous or ambiguous manner. When all auto companies sold through franchises, this didn’t really matter.
However, when Tesla came along as a new company with no existing franchisees, the auto dealers, who possess vastly more resources and influence than Tesla, nonetheless sought to force Tesla to sell through them.

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Audioholic Spartan
I'd like a Tesla S. I don't want to buy one - they cost WAY more than their worth to me. But, I'd take one. :)
There's sooo many of the Tesla S around here, looks nice, but fit and finish in interior is not really up to what you'd expect from a car in this class
There's also been a range of major major issues with Tesla S around here lately, like no possibility to charge the batteries, and there's been a storm of people with trouble....

When you buy a new $100k car, you don't expect to be stuck withput power and possibility of recharging.... What's been the problem over here is that Tesla S doesn't recharge when it's below freezing point. One guy was stuck on Christmas eve with a 3 week old broken down Tesla S, over here Christmas eve is the biggest holiday of the year, so I guess this guy sends big thanks to Elon Musk for making his Christmas so beautiful :eek:

It seems like these things have been calming down lately, but it really seems like Tesla does have some serious reliability issues..... do they take their testing seriously?..... You will probably never hear something like this from BMW, VW or Audi
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Audioholic Spartan
There's sooo many of the Tesla S around here, looks nice, but fit and finish in interior is not really up to what you'd expect from a car in this class
There's also been a range of major major issues with Tesla S around here lately, like no possibility to charge the batteries, and there's been a storm of people with trouble....

When you buy a new $100k car, you don't expect to be stuck withput power and possibility of recharging.... What's been the problem over here is that Tesla S doesn't recharge when it's below freezing point. One guy was stuck on Christmas eve with a 3 week old broken down Tesla S, over here Christmas eve is the biggest holiday of the year, so I guess this guy sends big thanks to Elon Musk for making his Christmas so beautiful :eek:

It seems like these things have been calming down lately, but it really seems like Tesla does have some serious reliability issues..... do they take their testing seriously?..... You will probably never hear something like this from BMW, VW or Audi
2013 Tesla Model S Long Term Road Test

Is the Third Drive Unit the Charm? - 2013 Tesla Model S Long-Term Road Test


Audioholic Warlord
Took the new bike out this morning, did a few other little chores, and started the 7 hour process of my home made/made from scratch marinara meat sauce. The meatballs are made and rolled, so now I'm just waiting until it gets a little closer to when the GF gets home from work to start cooking those. The house smells amazing and I'm eating cereal. 9 can't come soon enough.


Audioholic Jedi
Being political and dropping the F-bomb in the boring thread. Classy. :rolleyes:

EDIT: I'll be less sarcastic and more direct. I think that you crossed the line, Harald.
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Audioholic Spartan
Being political and dropping the F-bomb in the boring thread. Classy. :rolleyes:

EDIT: I'll be less sarcastic and more direct. I think that you crossed the line, Harald.
I probably did, well, it's deleted!
Thx Adam for your friendly notice :p


Audioholic Jedi
I probably did, well, it's deleted!
Thx Adam for your friendly notice :p
Thanks, man. I know that I sounded like a jerk - sorry.

I also know that things are pretty darn stressful there. I hope that you can still find some times to relax and enjoy life.


Audioholic Spartan
Thanks, man. I know that I sounded like a jerk - sorry.

I also know that things are pretty darn stressful there. I hope that you can still find some times to relax and enjoy life.
No, it's ok.... thx.....


Audioholic Jedi
Agenda for today (outside of AH, of course):
* Vacuum more of the front yard
* Try to get my over-the-air DVR working again (probably just needs to be unplugged - the tuner isn't working)
* Do some Amazon reviews
Well, the first two got done this morning...still haven't done any reviews today. But, Niki and I had a great after-lunch walk, and she just went for a rare after-dinner walk - both of which made my day.

Right now, watching Step Up 2 from DVD. I forgot just how good SD material looks on my TV. I should stop being such an HD snob.

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