Boston area.

I went out to see my brother and his family last week. I didn't say anything before because I don't broadcast when I'm going to be out of town. I was going to tell Alex and try to meet him, but there wasn't really any time to meet up anyway because the visit was fairly short, so I didn't (and with the snow storm on Wednesday, even less chance of seeing him). I was supposed to get back Thursday, but I got stuck in Dallas because the plane that I was supposed to take back to Tucson never made it to Dallas. Ironically, I was only delayed because I booked an earlier flight to get back to Niki...the two flights after mine made it back to Tucson. I ended up getting to Phoenix by way of Santa Ana and then drove back yesterday.
In an earlier post, Alex asked why I was up already - that's why.

I misread his post, though, and I thought that he asked why I was up "here." I gotta say, that freaked me out because I thought he knew I was in the area.

I was thinking, "I only turned on the GPS on my phone for five minutes, and he knows I'm here?! Dry waller, my a**. He's some hacker gulping down energy drinks and listening to new age death punk pretending like he can't read manuals."
It was good to see my bro and his family again. To thank them for feeding me and all, I went out with him and got some beer.
La Fin du Monde never fails to satisfy, but Sam Adam's Infinium was just...well...not good. He was intrigued by it, so I bought it, but what a waste. Probably didn't help that after we got home, I saw on the label that it said best enjoyed by July 2012. Eeee. I'm not sure the freshness was the problem, though.