Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
Finally get to dial in the system tonight or tomorrow. It's been a long week.


Audioholic Slumlord
That escalated quickly. I got a pretty good buzz going from a dental procedure. I like it. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
It always seems like a good idea at the time.
One of my credit card balances came in @ around $500. It's from auto parts. The reason I used the card at all is because I spent a bunch of cash on the auto, insurance etc and the damned dentist. Even while sober as a judge I saw the wisdom in putting me some special order Bilsteins on credit. The Bilsteins are now here and so is the cash ... as tight as it may be. I think I paid for a control arm too. I sprung it on the girl that if she thinks parts are steep she's gonna sh!t when I get around to the audio. She wasn't laughing. I was jubilant!


Audioholic Slumlord
This is unacceptable ... well, wait a minute: Stones are playing Midnight Rambler ... I'm still clean. I was going to say that this level of inactivity here on the forum and here at home was no good and that I was gonna go do laundry and work on the truck along with other janitorial duties but you know ... the music makes this inactivity oddly provocative. Stones trump laundry. What a news flash. Sill, the truck ain't fixin' itself and I'm going to need some clean socks.

Next song is you get what you need and it's spell binding.

Now I'm bummed.


Audioholic Jedi
My home town and the surrounding areas were hit by tornadoes today. No reports of serious injuries, yet, thank goodness. Also, my parents home seems to have been spared.

This had to be a scary site, though (not taken by anyone I know, btw).


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