Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Jedi
I wonder if there's a new title at 25000. If only there was some way to find out...


Senior Audioholic
im hearing some weird rattling noises from my sub when the volume is above -5db... i just took it apart and the cone still moves freely and the voice coil looks fine and i cant find anything loose in there... is it possible the noise is just caused by my amp clipping? when i think of clipping i think of just a distorted sound but i'm no expert

also, congrats on almost 25k posts adam :D


Audioholic Spartan
I see you lurking Adam. What are you doing, waiting for the perfect post for number 25k?


Audioholic General
I see you lurking Adam. What are you doing, waiting for the perfect post for number 25k?
Have you guys ever noticed how Adam is just the coolest, funniest, most handsome dude ever?

If that doesn't bring him out of the woodwork I don't know what will.


Audioholic Spartan
Have you guys ever noticed how Adam is just the coolest, funniest, most handsome dude ever?
If that doesn't bring him out of the woodwork I don't know what will.
Flattery will get you.... a....
a stinky....



Audioholic General
What's everyone's New Years plans? I'm going to a red neck party. Gonna wear a muscle shirt and some jorts, maybe make out with my cousin , who knows?

I'm beating anyone to the "your cousin? What's his name" joke.


Audioholic Jedi
Sorry - wasn't trying to tease. :eek: :D Believe it or not, I was actually working on my system. :eek: I think that I'm finally going to route cables from the wall behind my TV to a closet on the other side, allowing me to place my amps and PS3 in that closet to reduce the noise. Amazon doesn't have the wall plates that I want in stock, so it took a little longer to browse. Okay, here we go.


Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Oops. I mean - Warlord.
Oops. I mean - Overlord.
Oops. I mean - Slumlord.
Oops. I mean - "Seriously, I have no life."
Oops. I mean - Jedi.
Oops. I mean...Jedi? Still? Well, I like that title a lot, so it's cool. I already went through all of the work with the quotes, so they're staying. :D


Audioholic Overlord
What's everyone's New Years plans? I'm going to a red neck party. Gonna wear a muscle shirt and some jorts, maybe make out with my cousin , who knows?

I'm beating anyone to the "your cousin? What's his name" joke.
I am going to have a simple night. My wife is going to bed early so she's not really partying. She is going to a college bowl game tomorrow morning that I have no interest in and she has to get up at 6 am.

I have a new affinity for TX whiskey which is weird as I don't like bourbon. I love Scotch but never have cared for blended whiskey.

I just purchase a new bottle and I am offering myself a choice of 3 different drinks tonight.

Lemon-honey bourbon from fresh squeezed lemons, clover honey and TX whiskey.

Ginger-soda bourbon which I am making the simple syrup as I write.

TX whiskey neat as this stuff taste fine all alone.

I will also have Lox, pot-stickers and cheese and crackers.

I plan on lighting up the heaters on the patio and jamming my favorite tunes.

I am certain to get really drunk, be obnoxious and get on my wife's nerves.

Heck, I may be drunk by the time she gets home this evening since I have already tried a couple of my drinks.

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