Thanks for asking!
It went pretty good. I'm starting to figure some things out. My lack of fitness plus the 25 pounds I need to lose are holding me back, especially on a day like this. It was fairly cold, and so it was more or less only the hardcore guys out there. I am continuously getting faster, but I'm starting a long way back too.
They had the Cat4's do 4 laps, I'd guess the laps were about 2 miles each. It was about 70% grass, 25% paved trail, and then two long trudges through the sand (it was soft and about 4" deep, ug!) and there was one set of short barriers. I had a pretty good time, and there were a few places you could rail around and give it the gas and get moving. One of the sand sections (they both were about 70' long) had a run up before, and a run up after. That last go around I was gassed and could barely get on the bike.
It was a lot fun, especially since I just joined a race team and all of those guys, while 10x faster than me, were very cool and fun to hang with.