Lamborghini's come in boxes to protect them. Hehe. No joke. They come into the country in wooden boxes.
Ferrari's 1 in 4 has paint damage that has to be fixed upon entrance to the US. Generally this does not affect the resale, but a lot have visible paint retouches from the port. My friend works at a Ferrari dealership, that's how I learned this. He says Ferrari basically just accepts it and doesn't seem to put much effort into stopping it. He says they come in trashed too (like dirt everywhere, swirl marks, paint runs) and they spend up to a day getting them suitable for a customer.
Porsche's are shipped in 'limp' mode (basically only enough power to idle around) until the dealer calls it in upon arrival, then the car is activated. Not sure what other brands do this, as I've only seen that with the Porsche's, but I'd imagine most do? There is plastic over the bodypanels and foam around doors, wheels, spoilers, diffusers, and bumpers.