Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
I started off with Guinness Black Lager tonight - never saw it before, thought I'd hate it, but took a chance. Yeah, I hate it. Two sips and back in the fridge.

Moved on to a wheat beer made here in Arizona that I've never had before. Meh. Not bad, but not really good.

Back to Leffe - I should have stayed true from the beginning.


Audioholic Ninja
You can always cook with the Guinness, or get drunk on the other stuff and then drink it. Niki wears the pants in the relationship, let her show you how its done.. These are all viable options if you ask me.


Audioholic Jedi
You can always cook with the Guinness, or get drunk on the other stuff and then drink it.
Cooking - no, but I had thought about the other option. :)

Niki wears the pants in the relationship...
She definitely rules the house - but, and don't go visualizing, she parades around all day buck naked. No pants to be seen.


Audioholic Jedi
My iPad has shipped. Woohoo!

Doesn't really mean much, I know. It won't show up before March 16 anyway, as that's the release date.


Audioholic Ninja
Yeah, I guess I knew that... can't spread the yeast or cornhole juice around rockin' pants... :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
No soul searching here, just an observation. It's occurred to me that my life is quite a bit different than I imagined as a kid. I always figured that I'd be married with kids by now. Oh, well. I wouldn't trade Niki for anything.


Audioholic Jedi
Safe - check.

High capacity magazines - check.

Silicone gun cloths to set the gun on - check.

Now I just have to find the gun...


Audioholic Ninja
Haha, just kidding man... I can definitely relate to things maybe not working out as planned, or as I planned... but there's no guarantee that the grass is greener somewhere else. Lots to be grateful for and you have a great attitude, man.

Ok, I'm gonna go spit and yell curse words at the geese...


Audioholic Jedi
Grooooossssssssss... Didn't you read the Bodybuilding thread... women can smell a masturbator from a mile away :eek:
Gross, yourself! I meant blowing noses, wiping doggie cornholes, etc. You're sick, dude. Besides, women can smell me just fine. Oh, wait - I wonder if that's why they walk away.


Audioholic Jedi
... but there's no guarantee that the grass is greener somewhere else.
I hear ya. I know that I'd have a 50/50 shot as either being happy or wanting to effing kill myself (or her). I wasn't whining, just making an observation. When I was 20, I really liked kids. Now, I'd go nuts if one touched my gear. :D

Lots to be grateful for and you have a great attitude, man.
Woed...and thanks, man.


Audioholic Jedi
Who's the sicko now?

There is absolutely everything wrong with that.
I actually intentionally didn't type "stuff," but you still had to go there.

I wish that a woman would go there. Huh, where are those tissues...


Audioholic Slumlord
Whose the sucka now?
Old Adam ... I just thanked him for a non funny beer related post to make him wonder which part of what he said was funny and I am intentionally not hitting the Submit Reply button just to f^%& with him ... you gotta be cruel to be cruel.

This gives me time to contemplate the real boredom

... a shadow swallowing well
... waiting for your friend to get back from the drug dealer's
... the empty feeling you have after you clean fan blades
... listening to noisy plumbing
... wondering if I should bother with another metaphor
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