Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Senior Audioholic
im always hungry.... nothing can ever fill me for more than 5 mins


Senior Audioholic
i suppose its time i get an antivirus.... computers a bit sluggish today so it couldnt hurt. any good free ones you know of that will actually do something (clamware) and wont use 75% cpu power (avg)


Audioholic Jedi
Let's get the day started, shall we?

I've got hot possie in a French press.


Audioholic Jedi
I used to think that the "annual" PBS pledge drive meant that it happened once a year. Now, I realize that it means that it happens all year long. If they want me to donate, they should play the regular shows that I like to watch and not their pledge drive specials that I don't care about.


Audioholic Jedi
The upside to weeding an area of densely-packed, tall weeds is that you can pretty quickly get a good sense of being productive. The downside is that later on the areas with less densely-packed, ground-hugging weeds become even more frustrating...


Audioholic Slumlord
Bad news: The shipping company screwed up delivery of my new tv -
I ordered 55ST30 and there was another customer who ordered 55VT30.
I scheduled the delivery and a day off to receive the tv.
The shipper was about to criss-cross the orders, but then someone caught the mistake and they rescheduled it for next week.

Good news: I called store and complained I had to take and extra day off since (which I didn't, my work is pretty flexible about this) and they said since it was the shippers mistake they will write it off and give me back the shipping charge - $120 - Very nice !

p.s: I won't minded keeping the VT thou :D


Audioholic Samurai
The upside to weeding an area of densely-packed, tall weeds is that you can pretty quickly get a good sense of being productive. The downside is that later on the areas with less densely-packed, ground-hugging weeds become even more frustrating...
One of these is the case here:

1)Confucius has found a way to channel though you.

2)You ordered Chinese last night and got a cookie.

3)You were outside doing something today.

On good faith, I'm banking on #3
Final answer.:)


Audioholic Ninja
The upside to weeding an area of densely-packed, tall weeds is that you can pretty quickly get a good sense of being productive. The downside is that later on the areas with less densely-packed, ground-hugging weeds become even more frustrating...
Remember a while back when you got the dethatcher or whatever and I said to take that topic to the bar... forget that advice.. use the above instead.. pure gold, brotha...


Audioholic Jedi
I feel for all you folks who are going to lose an hour tonight...

Suckas. :p


Audioholic Ninja
Tough guy hiding behind a computer. I'm glad I'm losing an hour. Just means I can justify drinking again one hour sooner. I think I need help.
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