Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Slumlord
I actually don't know if that means that you ate the ice cream or not.

Btw, ever had mashed sweet potato with maple syrup and pumpkin pie spice? Delicious.
No ice cream. Yes spinach.

I don't like sweet stuff with food that to me wants salt (regular dinner) so that whole sweet potato thing to me is off but I still use to eat them sometimes with a meal because I thought they were good for you but since I discovered they have a high glycemic index I don't care if I never see one again. My neice likes putting marshmallows on hers. I want to hit her for doing that. :eek:

However, I wanted to give you a heads up that Audioholics is having a contest this month to win a free SVS PB12-NSD or SB12-NSD. If you're a U.S. resident, then you can enter - good luck!
You are f^%&in' killing me. :D


Audioholic Jedi
just spent 30 mins trying to figure out where the balls come from and where they go..... i still have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA but i have a headache now. theres also a monkey in there... cant figure out his purpose either
You sound like most spectators at an AH Twister tournament.

Oh, wait - you're too young for comments like that. :eek: I meant...almost time for the Easter Bunny to show up. :p :D


Senior Audioholic
You sound like most spectators at an AH Twister tournament.

Oh, wait - you're too young for comments like that. :eek: I meant...almost time for the Easter Bunny to show up. :p :D
..... i dont get it but when i read my post now... that sounds horribly wrong :eek:


Audioholic Field Marshall
Just use your credit card the next time that you buy flip flops...or a leather mask. We'll find you.
I've never purchased either before, which is probably why I haven't been invited :p


Audioholic Jedi
I've never purchased either before, which is probably why I haven't been invited :p
Ahhh, you're clearly like one of those girls that never has to pay for her own drinks. In that case - Dave, get this guy signed up! :p :D


Audioholic Spartan
Watched movie "The right stuff" once again this weekend, again I'm stunned by the guts of people like Chuck Yeager and the 7 initial US austronauts, probably Alan B. Shephard Jr must be the most daring person ever, to set himself on top of a huge rocket that may explode at any time, to see himself into space and return safely.... these guys were real men :D



Audioholic Overlord
It seems my jasper jig may not have survived the last move. I guess the fact it was raining nearly all weekend would have prevented routing anyway. Instead I let laziness take over and watched some of that new BSG show.
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