If she's cute, single, and emotionally distraught - you know how to reach me.
"Your letter looked like crap. You know what else looks like crap? This dude. You two would get along great."
Haha. I long learned the cute secretaries never work (as soon as you train them they have kids or go on a coke binge and die).
I like old ones that have grown kids, lots of them took off work to raise kids, now they want to get back into the workplace while their husband is still working. That sort of thing. Yeah, they don't look great, but generally are smarter, wiser, and more consistant. To me, just having a well-kept, well put together secretary is enough (clean, well-spoken, etc.). Plus since people live longer and work longer now, getting a girl who's kids are grown up is like mid 50s and they can work for a long time thereafter. Also customers generally treat them with more respect and take them more seriously.
My secretary is double my age I think (I'm 26) which is perfect.
Plus so many people want the cute young secretary that the older ones have a hard time finding work, so you get really good ones.

They can have the cute ones at work, I'll sleep with their cute ones on the weekend.