Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
(I forget if I've already mentioned this.)

Ever since I put down grass seed, doves have been snacking on it. In the past, I used to try and scare them off (with varying degrees of failure...there never really was any success to speak of), but now I just go out and throw out more seed for them to eat. I started doing it because it's been relatively cold here and I want them to get enough to eat, but it has the potential added bonus that they'll eat the new seed on top and leave the stuff that I covered alone. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I wanted to check if I remembered how to hone a knife, so I did a little Google action. Turns out, I didn't remember...but I thought you all might enjoy the video. I don't think that you need to care about knives, either. :)

Then there's this one. The top comment (below) had me laughing.

"wow she really knows how to handle that cucum-- OH MY GOD Wut is she doing?" :D
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Audioholic Jedi
I wanted to check if I remembered how to hone a knife, so I did a little Google action. Turns out, I didn't remember...
Well, maybe I did remember. The next video on the list was from a knife professional where he demonstrated it the way that I remembered. Not nearly as attractive, though. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Had to re-watch those videos quite a few times.
I may have to buy a knife now.


Audioholic Jedi
After watching those videos, I honed like I've never honed before.

Then I worked on the knife. :D

Okay, seriously - I honed the knife, then tried it out. Seemed about the same. So, I inspected the edge under sunlight and could see some irregularities. I honed it some more, and it seems straight now. I'll see when I cut some tomatoes shortly if it's going to be a keeper. There is no way that I'm putting this knife through my sharpener because then they could legitimately deny my return request.


Audioholic Jedi
Alright - I think lunch, then walk Niki (if she wants), then I'm going to crack open Killzone 3.


Audioholic Spartan
That is the next level of disgusting for sure but just to
be clear that maneuver is the sock's last call to arms. ;)

Should I be putting that sock back on my foot?
Then the colors wouldn't match. :(
This cake resides in my fridge and it must be shaking in it's boots. The picture there doesn't really do it justice. One bite and suddenly you don't care about sugar or dairy or animal cruelty or the Texas-Oklahoma rivalry that has been tearing the south apart for generations.
Fashion and Red Velvet cake...;)


Audioholic Jedi
Alright - I think lunch, then walk Niki (if she wants), then I'm going to crack open Killzone 3.
Lunch - check.

Walk - check. We just had a great time at the nearby state park. I'm very happy. She used to love going all over the place up there, but for the past couple of years, she hasn't really wanted to even leave the parking lot. Today, though, she cruised all over. There were loads of people up there. Beautiful weather (first really nice day in about a week), and there was still water flowing in the riverbed. We even got to check out some horses up close as they enjoyed the water. My shoes are a bit worse for wear from trudging through the water and sand, but it was worth it. She had a blast.

Killzone 3 - not yet...


Audioholic Slumlord
The cake ... we are lamenting it's loss.

I fell off the wagon ... then it ran me over ... twice.

Forgive me father ... for I am weak.


Audioholic Jedi
I just did some Amazon tech support. :) Someone was having trouble with a safe that I had reviewed and posted a comment, so I tried to help her. We'll see if it does the trick. She might have gotten a defective one.

Dang. I really don't have a life, do I?


Audioholic Jedi
Wow - word has gotten out among the doves. There's about 25 of them back there now (that I can see, as part of the yard isn't visible from the back window). Doves and grass seed are like Alex and cake. :eek: :D


Audioholic Slumlord
I should post a review thread of the cake. As far as last hoorahs go this one is for the books. For the record I would rather see doves than grass. The warrior was a great movie. Before you open beer 2 put the guns away. Just sayin'.


Audioholic Jedi
I should post a review thread of the cake. As far as last hoorahs go this one is for the books.
Kudos, man. I'm glad that you enjoyed the final hoorah! You know the problem with that, though? Now you're going to regret giving it up. You should eat yourself sick. Really sick. :D

For the record I would rather see doves than grass.
Me, too. That's why I'm feeding them. :)

Before you open beer 2 put the guns away. Just sayin'.
I did. The new Mec-Gar mags fit great. The new Beretta one fits, but the extension doesn't match up with the handle (it's quite a bit smaller) - kinda disappointing for the design to be that way, but oh well. I forgot how nice that Beretta is. Dang, it's nice. As for the other guns...I think that I know where they are, but that aren't where I looked at first. Hey, I figure if I can't find them, a burglar probably won't either. :cool: :rolleyes: Assuming they aren't as daft as I am, that is. I did find my ammo, though. Turns out, I've got more than I had remembered.


Audioholic Jedi
This day will ever be remembered as The Great Christmas Dove Massacre.:p
Reminds of the stories from last Christmas when Rick dropped that bar of Dove in the shower.

Well, "massacre" wasn't the word that they used...

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