Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
Alright, what did I miss? Whats up with no dairy? Whats the reason?
In case Alex is in last-supper dairy bliss, here you go.

For me, it's because I couldn't take the thought of how the animals are treated (specifically, the veal industry connection). I've been mentally moving towards it for a while, but some reading this Spring pushed me over the edge.


Audioholic Overlord
Is the Dark Night a Christmas movie, because it sounds fantastic with the new sub amp?


Audioholic Slumlord
"Cheeseless pizza? That's all you, man."
You mean to say that hasn't caught on? :rolleyes:

...and his wife doesn't.;):D
Ironic, isn't it?

I got a $100 gift card to a grocery store up in Mass from work. So I'm in there last night wandering the isles trying to burn this thing up and I spot the corn dogs. I looked for the veggie ones but that was a big no go. What's it all mean ?!?


Audioholic Jedi
You mean to say that hasn't caught on? :rolleyes:
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. :) I'm telling you, it's pretty good. I've had both Dominos and Papa John's cheeseless, and they have both been good. If you hardly have any toppings, then it's definitely more bland. But, if you get a specialty pizza with a lot of toppings, I think it's great. I actually prefer those without cheese.


Audioholic Slumlord
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. :) I'm telling you, it's pretty good. I've had both Dominos and Papa John's cheeseless, and they have both been good. If you hardly have any toppings, then it's definitely more bland. But, if you get a specialty pizza with a lot of toppings, I think it's great. I actually prefer those without cheese.
Even spell check doesn't acknowledge the word cheeseless.
Have you ever tried it with extra cheese? :p

As you know, Rhode Island isn't really an island. I think they call it that because of all the eye-talians. Around here Dominos and Papa Johns aren't really pizza. It's just something a bunch of high schoolers throw together and drive out to your house because your kid has been watching too many commercials and you just can't make him STFU. :D

If you ever make it out here I want you to suspend your embargo on cheese and try out a little restaurant called The Big Cheese. This post is putting my resolve to the test. I feel like driving over there and waiting for them to open. :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
If you ever make it out here I want you to suspend your embargo on cheese and try out a little restaurant called The Big Cheese.
I believe you that it's good (I do...cheese was one of my favorite foods growing up), but unless I find out that I'm way off base on how the animals are treated, it isn't going to happen. :(

Come on out here - I'll fire up the oven and cook up some mean veggie corndogs. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Arrrggg! My computer speakers and Beretta mags are so close - they both left Phoenix last night. But, the speakers are no delivery today or Monday, and I don't think that the mags are going to make it to the post office in time to get here today (and no delivery Monday).

Whiny whiny boo boo. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I think that Niki might have gotten today mixed up with tomorrow. Come 4am, she was all excited and it was time to get up.

On a related note, time to go make some more coffee...


Audioholic Overlord
Nothing like a potato peel clogged sink to unclog in the morning to get me in the Christmas spirit. That woman is driving me crazy.


Audioholic Jedi
Nothing like a potato peel clogged sink to unclog in the morning to get me in the Christmas spirit. That woman is driving me crazy.
On the flip side, sounds like you either had or will have a tasty potato dish. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Nothing like a potato peel clogged sink to unclog in the morning to get me in the Christmas spirit. That woman is driving me crazy.
Made me chuckle.:D Sorry but welcome to being married long enough to wonder why you did it.;):D

I'm sure the pluses outweigh the minuses.:)


Audioholic Slumlord
Nothing like a potato peel clogged sink to unclog in the morning to get me in the Christmas spirit. That woman is driving me crazy.
I'm pretty sure only cooked food is suppose to go down a sink's garbage disposal. Even then the water filtration systems have to deal with it. I need majorloser to back me up on this. Potatoes are bad for you anyway. Throw them out.
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