You want the whole story, do ya?
Back in the really early 70's when I became a Cub Scout, guess who didn't want to become a Cub Scout. That's right...ME. Guess who was my Cub Scout leader....BZZZZ. Wrong. It was my mother. A real freakin' pioneer in Women's equality back then, she was. Making inroads into the male dominated clubs of the day. Then, when I was forced into Scouts, guess who became my Scout leader? Right, my mother. Perhaps she didn't notice that I hated camping, hated crafts, pretty much hated everything that Scouts do.
As I got older, I made it my mission to become such an offensive little ***tard that I could finally escape. As you may have guessed, my story in my previous post was my successful escape plan. (P.S. The Scout leader in question in the previous post was not my mother.

As for getting kicked out of church, there's classes you have to take before you can formally become a member of the church. During those classes, I asked the Minister a lot of questions, some repeatedly, simply trying to make sense of the whole concept of religion. Well, the Minister simply could not explain away the obvious logical inconsistencies of Christendom to my 16yo self, so he asked my parents to take me away and not come back.
By the age of 16, my missions had been accomplished. I was free of Scouts and free of the church. Even today, I unabashedly sleep in on Sunday mornings and my version of camping is when I'm stuck staying at an Econolodge instead of a Radisson.
Mommy issues??? Please discuss.