AccuDT buys more crap than anyone I know. It's funny as he always says he is going to slow down and not buy anything for a while right before he makes the big purchases.
He does seem to sale his old stuff off pretty easily though. How do you do that?
This is it, though. No, really. No more big purchases for at least 1 year. Really.
I already have my eye on a cute 8.9" laptop from J&R for only $350. I'll put this on one of the empty shelves.
Now if Denon were to come out with a new flagship Blu-ray/SACD/DVD-A/CD Universal player in 2009, that's a different story. I don't think I could resist.
Well, it's good to have high-quality components like Denon and Definitive Speakers.

I mean in 4 yrs when Denon comes out with a new flagship receiver, I bet the AVR-5308CI will sell pretty fast.
When I was selling the DVD-5910CI, I received tons of emails.
Now if I were to put my Definitive speakers on eBay, people would be begging me to sell them.
