mulester7 said: it hard to understand why guys who have discovered better sound quality with seperate dedicated components just want to sit on their hands and not post anything?'s a never ending repetition of posting by those defending their receiver who don't have a clue.....
hi mule, as everybody is aware im a new guy here on audioholics & i happen to be one of the guys who have heard differences in gear for years,the reasons i see that people dont want to post any positive listening experiences that they have had from running different types of gear are obvious to me as im sure they are to many others.
the very second anybody posts that they heard anything they are attacked & confronted with seudo scientific terminology, dbt links & various nonsensical questions, the same people who so adamantly defend that there are no differences to be heard refuse to let us know anything about their own systems or the gear they have tried that has led them to their own set of beliefs & if you ask them anything about their systems you will be responded to with the same answer (its irrelavent) then you will be blasted with another set of questions, no matter what the answer to any of the questions the nay sayers will find a fault & exploit it then beat the issue to death, boy that sounds like fun.
a member here recently posted some pics in a thread of some very skilled craftsmanship he had done on some speakers he made because he was obviously proud of what he had made & rightly so, the more i read the responses the more i couldnt believe what i was reading, instead of congradulating this man on a job well done some found it necessary to pick apart his design & find fault in it, this man didnt ask for advice, all he was doing was sharing something with the group but he ended up having to defend his design, this type of posting is typical.
in my case here on this site in my first post here i tried to explain the differences between a solid state amp & a tube amp to a member who wanted to try a tube system just for fun,the responses from the nay sayers ranged from calling me (golden ear'd) or accusing me of believing in (snake oil cables) & one nay sayer has felt the need on several ocasions including the thread im talking about to reference my (huge) amplifiers while he tells others that no differences will be heard from amps as long as they are working properly.
nobody in their right mind would want to be subjected to ridicule under the guise of smily faces or hit with a barrage of DBT nonsense just because they reported what they heard.