In my quest to remain within reference (contrary to the plea of my ears) I continue to make some bass tweaks. I'm with hope that I don't over tune my subs but remain faithfully within the boundaries of reference regardless of how narrow that window may be. What I lack is experience in measurement so I will describe what I'm doing in as much detail as possible below. I also took majority of my advice from this video in setting up my 7.2.4 setup:
. In following this video's advice I may put myself outside that reference audio which is perfectly fine with me as I need my bass

Fix the anemic bass issue after performing EQ
I'm told that I should only change the subwoofer settings via the Audyssey app. but not the receiver and I also assume the SVS app. is also not advisable which I also have for the SVS 2 x PB-3000 subs. The only knob I saw in the Audyssey app. was the subwoofer levels. The video at about 40:00 min. mentioned that I should download and play pink audio noise. I started making the preparations:
- Setup UMIK with REW
- Download pink noise files
During my setup of REW I performed a check level in the preferences section. This procedure played a sweep at -12 dB and my marantz was set to 0 dB volume (reference). I saw the Input and Reference were both below -12dB and I proceeded to adjust the 2 subwoofer levels from Marantz receiver equally until a -12 dBFS was achieved. I had to boost both subwoofers +8.5 dB each to achieve this. The bass sounds good at this point and not overwhelming.
I know I was suppose to playback pink noise but I got stuck at a point where I had to playback the pink noise. I can play the file but what I don't know how to do is calibrate using my UMIK and marantz to 75 dB. I also don't know the next steps after I start playing the pink noise at 75 dB? How do I tune in the subwoofers to produce that reference level bass or resolve the anemic bass issue?
Attaching the end result after I bumped both subs up by -8.5. I ran some measurements before and after this adjustment. In those measurements I only have my 2 subs playing a frequency of 0 - 250 Hz. I disconnected my LCR for these measurements.
PS. I don't think this site allows for attaching .mdat files, unless I find a way to convert them.