Well, they got purses, shoes, and diamonds too.
Actually my wife just likes to make money; I like spending them.
LOL, nice to have a "suga mama"!!

Guess I do too and plenty of diamonds, California nail visits, and her favorite place Chico's Ha Ha!!!,.....
but, I have to add her most favorite adventure is being a platinum member at the Hyatt!

We like it so well, we are buying their Hyatt grand bed!
But, I must add....most importantly, she deserves every bid of it and I am glad to do it!!!

Actually, she would not deny me anything we can afford!
Have to be truthful here!
We are blessed!
But, now I will be checking my email til I am blue in the face for Dennis to tell me the Center Speaker is ready for pick-up, but I feel that will be long while!!!