How do you think the Phil2 compare to all the speakers you've auditioned?
Man, that is a loaded question, since it has been so long for some of the speakers. But, I would say they compare with the Soundscape/Songtower/N3 Towers. More like the SS and Songtower which are very, very well designed speakers.
At the time of listening to the N3s, I was actually auditioning the GR Research N2X monitors, which I was interested in, not towers. But, I remember the N3s were very nice and sounded big and open. But, if I recall they were at that time almost as much as the 2s or the same price unless you built them yourself. I do have a friend in another state and he swares by the N3s and he is crazy about speakers.
That is why I and many others say, the bargain/performance makes these 2s a desirable pair.
Most importantly...... what makes all of this work sound superb, is the meticulously designed crossover, which I believe is the basis for the Philharmonic 2s outstanding audio performance.
My ears are my tools and they work nicely with the Phillys!

I also believe that some of the speakers I heard were good for what they were, but, lacking in bass, or superior highs or solid midrange, something was always missing, but with any of them with the proper equipment/music can sound awesome.
I believe the Philharmonic speakers, to me and my ears offer all the ingredients that the others lacked at some form or another!
Maybe soon there will be someone in your area owning a pair that you can auditdion.
Hope this helps....a little!