Yesterday's listening was a bit eclectic. Starting with jazz as I was baking but then moved onto something harder once baking was done.
I'm pretty well known around these parts for my baking. My mom taught me the basics when I was a kid, and when it was just my sons and myself, I taught myself the rest of the way and all other forms of domestic skills. As a result, they grew up knowing how, too, and manage to cook for themselves at a pretty advanced level.
First word of advice my mom gave me was. . ."Measure accurately."
Pfeffernusse. Some say this spicy cookie is an acquired taste. My experience has been that it must be an addicting one because people keep going back until they are gone. My son's favorite cookie and he is not fond of licorice. A dessert with a goodly amount of black pepper and clove.
Known for scratch built pies, too.
My mom used to make these cinnamon strips with the leftover dough trimmings. My brothers and I loved these. When I was on my own, I swore there would always be more than enough. I make enough extra dough for a two crust pie and turn it into these. Another one of those things you will catch people double clutching shamelessly. I roll pie dough (homemade, it matters) into burrito shapes and then cut them when fresh out of the oven. They go good on the plate with the pie and ice cream.