Dull Eric

Tried to stay out of this mess.....

Tending to lean right most of my life, my position has changed. The Republican Party only exists in small corners. They have now become the party of Trump.

Whilst, in most cases, privately disparaging him, republican/trumpists publicly show support. Their sycophantic rhetoric is beyond disgusting.
It's about getting elected or reelected at any cost. Democracy be damned.

Here, in this forum, some are using terms like 'poignant' and 'substantive', yet when given facts, they respond with insults, racism, (I reported a post for using a racist trope yet he/they/it is still allowed to post) with no poignancy or substantive reply.

The above is a trait of Trump himself. He says things, and when confronted with facts he turns to insults. It's all he has.

Having not voted for president in the last two election cycles, I held my nose and voted for Harris/Walz.

I'm not happy with this. For me, it came down to preserving democracy. Trump is about himself.

I'l be moving back to the states in late 2025 and hope things will be better with my party when Trump is gone.


Seriously, I have no life.
Tried to stay out of this mess.....

Tending to lean right most of my life, my position has changed. The Republican Party only exists in small corners. They have now become the party of Trump.

Whilst, in most cases, privately disparaging him, republican/trumpists publicly show support. Their sycophantic rhetoric is beyond disgusting.
It's about getting elected or reelected at any cost. Democracy be damned.

Here, in this forum, some are using terms like 'poignant' and 'substantive', yet when given facts, they respond with insults, racism, (I reported a post for using a racist trope yet he/they/it is still allowed to post) with no poignancy or substantive reply.

The above is a trait of Trump himself. He says things, and when confronted with facts he turns to insults. It's all he has.

Having not voted for president in the last two election cycles, I held my nose and voted for Harris/Walz.

I'm not happy with this. For me, it came down to preserving democracy. Trump is about himself.

I'l be moving back to the states in late 2025 and hope things will be better with my party when Trump is gone.
What will you do if he wins?


Audioholic Spartan
Same here and just about everywhere- not whose fault, immigrants? No country can afford to have unlimited numbers of people coming in and the lack of forward-thinking by the governments is terrible. The loss of skilled laborers in the last 4-5 years has really hurt construction, too. Home prices, existing and new, are going through the roof (no pun intended) and first-time home buyers are totally screwed. For that matter, second and third time buyers who didn't make money on the sale of previous homes aren't much better off. Some areas have declined in value, even though the cost to build would be several times more than their home's value. My brother is one of those- he bought at a bad time (just before the housing bubble burst), so he may never break even.
This is the article I posted for William. The US and Canada are suffering from a lack of labourers - skilled and unskilled - due to falling birthrates, as well as a cohort of young people who don't wish to work in the trades. As the article explains, a large portion of the undocumented migrants in the US work in construction. Without them, home construction will slow to a trickle. Up here, we have a Catch-22 situation - a shortfall of people in the construction trades, but a shortfall in affordable housing for new arrivals. So, no housing for the people we need to build housing. :rolleyes:
The Border Crisis Won't Be Solved, No Matter Who Wins the Election (texasmonthly.com)


Audioholic Spartan
Your post made me go and look up the various reporting and video on this. From what I can glean from the video he is in fact UNLOADING the gun. As an owner of the very same shotgun I see nothing wrong in the manner in which he does that, the muzzle is pointed safely and he is cycling the action to unload the gun.

What I did find in looking at the various reports was a fair amount of stupidity in the media(nothing new here), Megan Kelly in particular was a complete twit.

Hopefully for Walz he will verify this and throw it back in their face.


Audioholic Spartan
What did Walz do overseas? He sure didn't go to Iraq and he certainly didn't see action. He retired from the National Guard 5-7 months before, according to PBS. Or, is PBS too right-leaning for you?

Yeah, the quote includes Fox, but it shows that he retired before his unit deployed-

"Walz retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May 2005. He had submitted retirement paperwork five to seven months beforehand, Fox News reported, citing the Minnesota National Guard.".

You previously tried arguing in favor of Vance even though neither of them saw action. It amounted to (R) Vance.


Audioholic Spartan
Yes. I am for deportation. If you’re here illegally. GTFO. Simple.
How do you like Poland’s take. Come here, get shot.
Again. You’ve offered nothing about Harris’s great path to the future. Just dump on trump. Here’s a tip. She doesn’t have one. Have you ever heard her say anything substantive?
I get the impression you're completely oblivious to why that might be. As if you haven't watched any news these last 8-9 years.


Audioholic Spartan
Nope. Not at all. It’s just funny though how you never mention how awesome Harris is. Or walz.
Hmmm mmkay. Because Trump is King D--khead? I don't get the impression you understand how your behavior can shape public opinion. Sure Trump has a policy I can agree with, but I'd never vote for him because he represents toilet. In fact, toilet was what made Trump a sensation. Or your comment that 'it could be a cult.' That's been mentioned on the web numerous times. Trump evangelicals, hardcore MAGA etc. Cult of Hate Personality. So to answer you question I'm not likely to vote for Harris, but I will at least give them credit for not behaving like Trump in front of the mic. I think Tankini's recent post with his Trump 2024 sign and smiley faces did it best. He seems to be saying, Guess I gotta vote for the jackass. More resignation than celebration. Naturally Trump supporters will celebrate it. Because he was what they dreamed of in a personality.


Audioholic Spartan
Well if he loses, don't ask why..... :confused::rolleyes:


Former president Donald Trump blamed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for allowing the war in Ukraine to start, even though Russia was the aggressor, during an interview with a podcaster that was published Thursday.

Trump called Zelensky “one of the greatest salesmen I’ve ever seen” and marveled at how much aid Ukraine has received from the United States.

“Who else got that kind of money in history?” Trump said in the interview with podcaster Patrick Bet-David. “There’s never been. And that doesn’t mean I don’t want to help him because I feel very badly for those people. But he should never have let that war start. That war’s a loser.”

Moments later, Trump criticized President Joe Biden, as he has often done, for his handling of the conflict, claiming he “instigated that war.”

Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Biden has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine. This year, Congress approved $61 billion in aid to the country as part of a broader spending package, on top of tens of billions approved earlier in the war.

Trump met with the Ukrainian president in late September at Trump Tower, their first meeting since 2019. Before the meeting began, Trump, standing next to Zelensky, said that it was an “honor” to meet with him and that they had a “very good relationship.” He then added that he also has a “very good relationship” with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump has reportedly maintained a personal relationship with Putin since leaving the White House, and this week said, “Russia has never had a president that they respect so much.”

Trump has repeatedly suggested that Russia would never have invaded Ukraine if he were still president and blamed Biden for the ongoing war during the podcast Thursday.

“This should have been settled before it started,” Trump said. “It would have been so easy if we had a president with half a brain, it would have been easy to settle.”

The podcast interview that aired Thursday is not the first time Trump has appeared to suggest Zelensky is at fault for the ongoing war. During a campaign event in Mint Hill, N.C., for example, Trump said, “We continue to give billions of dollars to a man who refuses to make a deal.”

During the interview, Trump also brought up Harris’s racial identity as he talked about Black voters.

“Black men really like me, and I think Black women really do too,” he said. “But they have a woman who is Black, though you would say she’s Indian, but she is Black. But really a lot of people didn’t know, which is true.”

Trump has questioned Harris’s racial identity in the past, falsely claiming in July that she “happened to turn Black” a few years ago.


Audioholic Spartan
Also, it should be obvious by now with the MSN article that's Trump being buddy to Putin cause it stimulates his private business dealings.


Audioholic Spartan
J6- cracked me up when conservative media only showed the camera footage inside of the WH. Officers were told to deescalate the situation. If you'd scene the footage outside near the entrances It didn't look too good. Flag poles, or crutches were used as weapons, and in general a bunch of thugs getting violent. The conservative media planted the idea it wasn't an insurrection because that involves I guess machine guns and more of a military styled, guerilla operation. Yet their they were using what they could with force. The alt-right. Enter Tucker Carlson's Jan 6th docu. I guess the people in the back of the crowd were all right. They didn't do any harm. Though if the GOP were Washington's face on Mt Rushmore, I feel like it fell off, crumbling below and sinking in the ravine LOL.

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