This is what should have happened. Republicans clearly weren’t going to do this, but imagine if Democrats, who claimed to give a flying fig about the people DID, and used those confiscated funds to try and repair the damage, including in the hard hit rural areas? Imagine if Democrats, instead of just mocking Trump’s wall, proposed and implemented a better system to secure the border AND build an international coalition to help work out Central and South American issues before this issue came to a head? Imagine if Democrats acknowledged the issues with NAFTA and actually did something about it? I feel like John Lennon now
, but the point is, if Democrats actually DID something, Trump would never have come to pass. He’s the symptom of a bigger problem. The average politician at the highest levels really just either don’t give a truck about solving people’s problems or are too incompetent to do so.
Or maybe I’m just a genius who should be in charge of running everything.