

Audioholic Spartan
Hillary Clinton gives Trump his well deserved comeuppance in her speech at DNC with the enthusiastic crowd shooting "Lock him up". This time Trump is a convicted felon waiting for his sentencing in September, unlike Mrs Clinton that was not charged of anything.



Audioholic Intern
We get that Trump is your hero but he won't stand up to autocrats and history shows that.

Here's a clip of a real patriotic American stance against autocrats:

Yeah, Trump's all over those strong men; Putin, Jim Il Jong junior, Autocrat wannabe and Putin puppy Orban.

He's got this weird, almost gay vibe on them. Love letters to and from Jong anyone?


Audioholic Jedi
RFK, Mr worm brain, endorses Trump...and somehow will continue his campaign. I guess the worms didn't tell him that means it is over.


Audioholic Spartan
You don't have a choice- would you like to have more choices?
I think there should be more fairness...... if you look at the American dream, isn´t that all about you can get anything you want as long as you work hard for it, Meaning: You are rewarded for the hard work you do.

Tax system over here to some degree penalises those working hard by an excessive tax on that extra bonus or additional paychecks..... things could be more fair


Audioholic Spartan
This is much easier in a smaller country- Europe got the 'Wild West' out of its system a long time ago and I think people need to think about the fact that the US is a punk kid compared to most of the world in terms of how long it has existed in anything of its current form. Think about the time when Scandanavia and Europe were tribal- that's more than 2000 years ago, in many places. The colonists left and revolted because they didn't want to be controlled by someone in a far away place and that rebellious nature still exists.

The tendency to think in terms of "Me, me, me" needs some thoughts of "Us, us us". Part of the problem with the US is the high cost of living and high cost of labor- people want low cost goods, but if the corporations move production offshore, that cost is gone, but other problems arise, like unemployment and lack of decent paying jobs.

Our political system has become far too confrontational and adversarial to think that change will occur quickly and easily. Politicians and voters need to consider working with 'the other side', for the good of the country.
You are right, countries are so different and with different stories and background;
Norway became a kingdom in 872, 1152 years ago

The great library of Alexandria in Egypt, which is now lost, had something like 400.000 scrolls covering an enormous amount of scientific writing that was all lost and gone.

Look towards Switzerland, became democracy in 1291 so those guys have 733 years of trying to make things right. In the swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, only those who meet up at the townhall with swords do have the right to vote, so "no sword = no vote", you vote by raising your sword.

In all areas of Switzerland, important issues are decided by referendums and not by the politicians, making Switzerland what I think is a real, genuine, democracy. Anyone can raise an issue for referendum by raising enough supporting votes for the issue to go to a votation.

The process of building a real-working democracy takes ages, but the US should have had the time to make it right and I wonder why it is going so haywire now these days.

Fully agree that US seem to be going towards me, me, me, me, while Norway has gone too much towards us, us, us, us. There is a balance to be found there but the US seem to be so insanely divided so that You can´t call it United States anymore..... There must be a way to make Un-united States of America to United States of America again. Trump definitely don´t have the answers to that!
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Audioholic Spartan
Yeah, Trump's all over those strong men; Putin, Jim Il Jong junior, Autocrat wannabe and Putin puppy Orban.

He's got this weird, almost gay vibe on them. Love letters to and from Jong anyone?
Trump did have a pic hanging on the wall in the Oval of him and Jong. He has some weird admiration for people in power.


Seriously, I have no life.
So tired of Trump. Let's move on.
How would you deal with this- POTUS is elected and we do not have one candidate elections. It's late in the game for the RNC to trot out a new candidate- we also DO NOT appoint POTUS.

Let's see a solution, not an "I'm tired of Trump" post. Move on, to what?


Audioholic Spartan
How would you deal with this- POTUS is elected and we do not have one candidate elections. It's late in the game for the RNC to trot out a new candidate- we also DO NOT appoint POTUS.
The US Supreme Court decision in the Bush vs Gore election comes close enough to appointing a POTUS, I guess. It for sure made the headlines in Norway and Sweden at that time, and that was of bewilderment and some outrage (as I recall, many years ago). It also made US the laughing stock of the world.

Let's see a solution, not an "I'm tired of Trump" post. Move on, to what?
The Harris/Waltz ticket, of course, in the very short term. Then the Republicans should get rid of the MAGA and become a normal center-right party, though I've low hopes for that to happen anytime soon.


Seriously, I have no life.
You are right, countries are so different and with different stories and background;
Norway became a kingdom in 872, 1152 years ago

The great library of Alexandria in Egypt, which is now lost, had something like 400.000 scrolls covering an enormous amount of scientific writing that was all lost and gone.

Look towards Switzerland, became democracy in 1291 so those guys have 733 years of trying to make things right. In the swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, only those who meet up at the townhall with swords do have the right to vote, so "no sword = no vote", you vote by raising your sword.

In all areas of Switzerland, important issues are decided by referendums and not by the politicians, making Switzerland what I think is a real, genuine, democracy. Anyone can raise an issue for referendum by raising enough supporting votes for the issue to go to a votation.

The process of building a real-working democracy takes ages, but the US should have had the time to make it right and I wonder why it is going so haywire now these days.

Fully agree that US seem to be going towards me, me, me, me, while Norway has gone too much towards us, us, us, us. There is a balance to be found there but the US seem to be so insanely divided so that You can´t call it United States anymore..... There must be a way to make Un-united States of America to United States of America again. Trump definitely don´t have the answers to that!
It would be interesting to compare the time lines of other countries, from the beginning of their democracy to now- the US isn't even 250 years old and the saying about the life of the typical world power lasting approximately that long may be interesting from a distance, but I'm not excited about the prospect of the form of government in this country being changed drastically, in a short time. If there was one country to use as THE model, maybe but with all of the problems in most countries, there isn't one.

This country used to have goals that were shared by a large percentage and now, it's all "What's in it, for me?" and where used to want to do things for the greater good, most ask "What have you done for me, lately?". I want, I want I want is all I see- people don't take responsibility for their actions, the criminal justice system is failing, schools are sending uneducated masses into the world and many have no work skills.

But, let's turn members of one political party against the other party, as a form of entertainment. What's the worst that could happen?

Washington Post and others are comparing the TV ratings- and I thought it was about content.......

"Democratic convention beat RNC in TV ratings, despite some late nights"



Audioholic Spartan
Look towards Switzerland, became democracy in 1291 so those guys have 733 years of trying to make things right. In the swiss canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, only those who meet up at the townhall with swords do have the right to vote, so "no sword = no vote", you vote by raising your sword.
One those meeting up with swords are allowed to vote? What a real throwback canton.

In all areas of Switzerland, important issues are decided by referendums and not by the politicians, making Switzerland what I think is a real, genuine, democracy. Anyone can raise an issue for referendum by raising enough supporting votes for the issue to go to a votation.
It is more than debatable that this makes for a "real, genuine, democracy". In Switzerland women where not allowed to vote in federal elections until 1971.

And then we have your admiration for that backwards throwback Swiss canton Appenzell Innerrhoden. That canton allowed women to vote in 1991 on local issues and forced to do this by the Swiss Federal Supreme Court:

So when people uncritically extol the virtues of referendums with Switzerland as an example I know that they are missing the drawbacks.
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Audioholic Spartan
You are right, countries are so different and with different stories and background;
Norway became a kingdom in 872, 1152 years ago
A very large part (most?) of that time Norway was not an independent country but either a part of another kingdom (like Denmark) or in a union (Sweden and Norway) until 7th of June 1905 we gain real self determination.
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Audioholic Spartan
Does that reflect average intellect of some voter group? :rolleyes:
There are a number of MAGA dudes on this very forum and generally they don't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed. Some of these MAGA dudes claims they are never-Trumpers but given their posting history that's hard to believe.


Audioholic Spartan
There are a number of MAGA dudes on this very forum and generally they don't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed. Some of these MAGA dudes claims they are never-Trumpers but given their posting history that's hard to believe.
Couple times examples of 'I'm conservative but not Republican', which makes me wonder how you're going to win elections if you can't clearly state as much? Closet Trump voters I'm guessing, but also I cannot imagine having much regard for conservative media.


Audioholic Spartan
Couple times examples of 'I'm conservative but not Republican', which makes me wonder how you're going to win elections if you can't clearly state as much? Closet Trump voters I'm guessing, but also I cannot imagine having much regard for conservative media.
The Republican party has changed, for the worse, since the Trump takeover, and I for sure understand that real conservatives don't feel at home there any more.

As for conservative media in US, I don't follow that much, but there is TheBulwark with a conservative staff that is not that happy with the current GOP. They ain't happy with Trump, I can tell you that!

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