Trump Jr coke video.....
I have no life so here's the news captions in the video. If you slow down the playback speed....
CN survey reveals: "We should hang out more!"
Yo what's that song.....seriously.....I need to know what song this is......
BREAKING: My guy said he is gonna be here in 20 and he's got Molly too
Just in: We should do more
New: There's an ATM at the Bodega like two blocks away
Weather Update: It's about to snow, if you catch my drift ******
CN Poll: 80% of respondents say you should punch me in the face For real. Punch me in the face. I won't even feel it.
CN Exclusive: Wooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
CN Weather Report: Oh f--k, the sun is coming up
BREAKING NEWS: We should write a movie, man
Poll: Does anyone have a key?
Movie review: Cocaine Bear not very good, actually
Update: My guy is on his way
Report: Shut up, man. Shut up. Act cool. Act f**king cool.
Market Watch: You should buy a tiger
Report: 1 in 3 American reveal deep anxieties that this s**t is laced with something

I assume CN = CNN.