What to do or not to do?
Honestly I am not sure anymore. Yamaha sent me a 2nd RX-Z7 and it has the same video problem as the first. I also tested it on a different display to rule out my Samsung. This will now have to be elevated further with Yamaha engineering in Japan. Stay tuned....
Gene, you are now at the crossroad....Do you complete a review that is going to be pointing out these problems or does yamaha want a chance to remediate before having to make a recall or major fix?

The price for this unit is not a trivial sum!
It seems that many audio/video manufacturers are struggling with their implementations and integrations to the HDMI standards, calibration technology, partial implementations on some models to full implementations on other models for conversion chips and all of this making the task harder for end consumers. NAD T785, Sherwood 972, Onkyo, and just about all other forums are either experiencing product delays or issues like here.
I have a Denon 3803 and have decided to add a Emotiva XPA-3 Amp which made a substantial improvement on audio and have an older Anchor Bay DVDO VP20 that I am using for the conversions.
I personally am going to pass on the Yamaha and wait for the Emotiva release of the XMC-1 processor as I like the smaller company and ease of talking to the company engineers.
I do however lean very heavily to your company as you do a great job of squeezing the truth out of these products. These forums are invaluable as an intellectual exchange for our experiences.
It might be interesting to do a paper on the "State of the Industry" and cover what is the true root cause to the problems facing everyone.
It is my novice understanding that HDMI is not the Utopian solution for quality audio and video but more as a standard that protects the data from license infringement where HDCP was more the goal than creating a superior AV connector plus other standards it embodies. HDMI institute charges a license fee to use their standard and half the world thinks if they do not have HDMI then their products would be inferior.
I think it would be awesome to do a paper on all of this as I have a hard time blaming any one vendor as there are so many third party additions at play!
Tread lightly on my comments you eager beasts as I too am one of the end consumers that want to own the products but expect that I not be part of the Test and Development circle. I expect products to perform as marketed without all the headaches.