Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize?!?!



Junior Audioholic

We should go ahead and give the Next Olympic Golds on the Perception that they will win anyway, no Games needed. Thats My Take.
A boost to His Credibility, what a Joke. The Rogue Countries we seek Peace, will think nothing of it.
Doug S.


Seriously, I have no life.

I'm surprised Buckeye Nut or one of the other Obama-haters hasn't commented on this yet. Personally I think it's a little early to be giving the man awards, but this seems to prove that he's definitley making strides towards improving the U.S.'s standing in the rest of the world.

Come on, ya know it's killin' ya! :D
As opposed to paying him to not send more troops to Afghanistan or oppose Iran's nuclear ambitions? He was nominated less than two weeks into his presidency- he had done nothing to deserve this and it's only his prize because they hope it will bring good things. Everyone else has gotten theirs for what they did, not what they might do.

This award means nothing. Look at who is in the committee.


Audioholic Samurai
It just proves to me that those awards don't really mean much. I think it was a little premature really. They should have at least waited until he actually did something to earn it.


It just proves to me that those awards don't really mean much. I think it was a little premature really. They should have at least waited until he actually did something to earn it.
I have to second that, he should made some efforts to get it.


Junior Audioholic
...but hey, if Al Gore can win one for lining his pockets by turning natural climate fluctuation into mass global warming hysteria, no one else will really surprises me.
Way to try to bait people into a flame war. This has nothing at all to do with the post, but hey, if you insist.

Global warming is bigger than the normal climate fluctuation when you actually look at the studies. I only pray that people stop burying their heads in the sand and actually at least take a chance on trying to help the situation.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Just Like the last president winner.......

Another 1 term schmuck........


Seriously, I have no life.
Aren't you the one who complained about political threads? :confused:
Did he? Close it down then and delete it pronto ;):D Where are the mods when you need them johnny on the spot:D


Way to try to bait people into a flame war. This has nothing at all to do with the post, but hey, if you insist.

Global warming is bigger than the normal climate fluctuation when you actually look at the studies. I only pray that people stop burying their heads in the sand and actually at least take a chance on trying to help the situation.
I'm not baiting anyone, just showing past winners weren't very deserving either i.e. Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, yasser arafat. Lighten up francis.


Junior Audioholic
I'm not baiting anyone, just showing past winners weren't very deserving either i.e. Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, yasser arafat. Lighten up francis.
All I did was point out that the whole global warming thing has nothing to do with Obama or his winning, which is what this thread is about. There is nothing for me to lighten up about.


All I did was point out that the whole global warming thing has nothing to do with Obama or his winning, which is what this thread is about. There is nothing for me to lighten up about.
You noticed your the only one that commented on it, right? It was an example of another lame duck winning the NPP.


Junior Audioholic
You noticed your the only one that commented on it, right? It was an example of another lame duck winning the NPP.
Nothing has proven Obama is a lame duck. That is nothing more than the opinion that some have. I thought Bush was a lame duck after his first term, but since he had a second one that means I was wrong.


Nothing has proven Obama is a lame duck. That is nothing more than the opinion that some have. I thought Bush was a lame duck after his first term, but since he had a second one that means I was wrong.
What has Obama done in the first two weeks of presidency to win the NPP? MLK Jr. worked for years to advance civil equalities of minorities before being awarded the NPP. It's a slap in the face to the ones that have actually done something to deserve it, not by just being a charismatic rock star.


I didn't read anywhere that the committee had to restrict itself to the person's accomplishments at the date that their name was submitted... Off the top of my head I can't think of anyone, using their criteria, that has done more for "fraternity between nations" this year.
Well, like I said, it's a farce and will continue to be so if they keep nominating people by "what they might do". Remember, Obama was only in office for 12 days before the February 1st nomination deadline.

Unlike the other Nobel Prizes, which are awarded by Swedish institutions, the peace prize is given out by a five-member committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Like the Parliament, the committee has a leftist slant, with three members elected by left-of-center parties. Jagland said the decision to honor Obama was unanimous.
The Nobel committee chairman said after awarding the 2002 prize to former Democratic President Jimmy Carter, for his mediation in international conflicts, that it should be seen as a "kick in the leg" to the Bush administration's hard line in the buildup to the Iraq war.
Obama's designation is akin to giving an Oscar to a young director for films we hope that he or she will produce or for a first-time published author getting a Pulitzer for a book he is destined to write some day.
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Audioholic Overlord

I'm surprised Buckeye Nut or one of the other Obama-haters hasn't commented on this yet. Personally I think it's a little early to be giving the man awards, but this seems to prove that he's definitley making strides towards improving the U.S.'s standing in the rest of the world.

Come on, ya know it's killin' ya! :D
The reason he started this thread was not because it somehow supported his belief, and it only slightly contradicts his hate for political threads. My educated postulation of why he started the thread is right in the context. He was surprised no one else had mentioned it yet and wanted to be the herald of the news. It's an exciting feeling for someone to deliver news, especially when they usually aren't the first one to the punch. It's called "me first" syndrome, meaning he knew about it soon enough to make an announcement to everyone else. He's proud of making the statement.

Next time give the guy a pat on the back, recognition is a powerful thing.:D


Audioholic Ninja
In fairness Bush was fairly succesful except in Iraq which spilled over into everything else. He made a big mistake in how he handled Iraq, but what else did he do that was so bad? Obama has a few years to mess up like that too
Off the top of my head?

Record deficit spending.
Failure to actaully get Bin Lauden.
Failure to focus on Afghanistan.
The Patriot act.
Warrantless wiretapping.
Appointing Rumsfeld's college buddy head of FEMA rather than someone qualified.
Weapons of mass distruction (that's not execution of Iraq).
Of Putin "I looked into his eyes and saw he was a good man".
North Korea's Nuclear program.
Removed the ability of the EPA to force cleanup of emissions (they managed to do it once between when they were given that power late in Clinton's administration, and when Bush took it away... in Tampa).
A failure to re-regulate banks as new debt-backed securities hit the markets.
Domestic economic policy.
A failure to stem the incentives for outsourcing as the economy turned down.
There's more, but that should give an idea that it's more than just Iraq.

Obama followed the same economic policies as Bush in trying to bring the economy back too. Don't get me wrong they are very different people with very different goals. Still not being someone else is not a goal or accomplishment. Bringing Iran to no longer pursue nuclear weapons would be an achievement.
I don't agree with the bailouts as they were done. I do recognize that Obama was an advocate of them.


Audioholic Spartan
They decided that "the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations" is Barack Obama. I think a case can be made for that...
Make your case.:p

U.S. troops are still fighting in Iraq.
U.S. troops are still fighting in Afghanistan.
Guantanamo is still open and housing prisoners.
Bush appointees Bernanke and Gates are still in two of the most powerful positions.
Iran is still openly building nukes to exterminate Israel and taunting the U.S. in the U.N.
Russia, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela are still conspiring to create an armed soviet led bloc against the U.S.
China still demands possession of Taiwan and is building a huge navy to take it.
North Korea is still...well...North Korea.:rolleyes:

Essentially, nine months into Obama's tenure, U.S. diplomacy is in the exact same geo-political position it was in during the Bush administration and the exact position it was in two weeks into Obama's presidency when he was nominated for the prize. So I guess we should write this year off for what Obama "shall have done" toward world peace and expect better from him next year.:confused:


Audioholic Spartan
Way to try to bait people into a flame war.
If you want an example of baiting people into a flame war; I suggest you reread post #1
It could've brought up the topic without the two lines below:

I'm surprised Buckeye Nut or one of the other Obama-haters hasn't commented on this yet.

Come on, ya know it's killin' ya!


Audioholic Spartan
I saw a quote in the New York Daily news today that summed it up well.
"It's like giving Derek Jeter the MVP right after spring training"

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