So if I don't get a job that I was most qualified for and for which the hiring manager wanted me because they needed a black person to meet quote, that helps the entire black community?
There's a racial "right" to get jobs over more qualified applicants?
A jobless person who did not get the job he interviewed for because of his race is not a victim of racism? How so?
We know black people are discriminated against. If you think otherwise, you're a nut.
AA can eliminate some of the discrimination against blacks, at the expense of occasionally discriminating against whites.
So you would prefer that there be no discrimination against whites, even if it means there is more discrimination against blacks. Let me ask, are you white?
Let me also ask, which race is going to be able to more easily bear the brunt of some discrimination, the race that makes up ~70% of the country's population, or the race that spent 200 years being owned by that other race, plus was the "beneficiary" of state sanctioned/enforced racism for another hundred years after that.
There's no doubt that eventually affirmative action should be eliminated (ie, when it's no longer needed). There's also no doubt that the reason it was instituted STILL exists today.
I certainly wouldn't assume that everything would be healed and all hunky dory only 40 years after the cessation of government racism. I'd say at a bare minimum we could look at getting rid of AA the day that the last person that had to give their seat up on a bus to a white person and couldn't use the whites only bathroom dies.