WmAx said:
I'll not respond directly to this, as I feel as if it's a red herring.

I do not understand your statement..
You referred to this:
If noticed, they lose a sale..at 3kilobucks, one sale is what, a grand profit? 500 dollars? If increased plastic cost is 10 cents per cabinet (I'm confident the total cost of the cabinet plastic is there or below, so it's an exaggerated example), then 4 cabinets is half a buck...for the cost of one lost sale, they can beef up a thousand to two thousand units?...as I said, dey ain't stupid..
I re-state that, for the incrementally small increase in manufacturing cost, they could potentially gain a sale with resultant profit. It is of course, a tradeoff for them, one of maximizing profit..this would be decided within the boardroom, not by the engineers..
After all, it's all about profit for Bose..not some grand scheme of providing affordable very high quality sound to the masses, but providing a product that meets a need..and, working to make the public understand that they need that which is provided by Bose..simple.
Bose bashing, as has been demonstrated here, does nothing to really increase the sales of infinity, or B&O...or any other high end manu..in fact, some of the incorrect arguments tendered here could affect opinion contrary to your desires..it doesn't take much effort to see that the graphs don't show -10 dB at 13 Khz, so, what else were "they" incorrect at??
This is not a rant against either you or pvt...I enjoyed the dialogue...
Cheers, John