My memory is not what it used to be but I recall three Super Bowl championships for the G-men. I'm trying hard to recall the Eagles last championship. Perhaps 1960 or something.
I don't have anything in particular against the Eagles, I am just for the Giants. I do not expect a champion each year just a competitive team with the occasional run for it all. I am plenty satisfied in my Giants. The Eagles have in fact, up till now been something of a sad sack franchise. They will remain so until winning a super bowl. Many opportunities in the NFC championship games but few successes. Maybe this year will be different. I have no idea as I think I've picked about two games right so far.
3 championships, 1948, 1949 & 1960. Lost twice in Super Bowl 1980 & 2003.
The Eagles have had good times and bad but I think If you average it out over the franchise history the Eagles have been about average. Ultimately Success in sports is measured by Championships but "sad sack"...not lately. I do admit though that it's been too long between championships but, If the Eagles can put the same kind of
opportunistic run together this year that the Giants did last year I'd say the two franchises are pretty similar as far as recent history is concerned.
Putting this Super Bowl thing to bed would be nice though. For some reason most of the Cowboys fans can't get it through their skulls that the Super Bowl is the same as the championships of the past. They just gave it a name for marketing purposes. But as a Giants fan I'm sure you can appreciate how obnoxious Cowboys fans can be.
ps Eagles and Giants fans should razz each other. (giants suck!

) It's a good thing to have rivalries in sports and New York is in the same division as the Eagles and is the next big city up the NJ turnpike less than 2 hours away and both teams have been around a long time butting heads...Good Fun!