I just tried this and really like the results.... it made a pretty drastic difference.

Yeah, I think if you have good gear, you don't really need roomEQ so much, but below the Schroeder Frequency, it is pretty hard to argue against RoomEQ (and XT32 is effective at it).
This is why I am inclined to buy Denon or Marantz (the availablity of the app along with the performance of XT32). Yamaha, Onkyo, etc room correction may have caught up, but I know XT32 does a good job of it!
If you are not familiar with this, here is a pretty simplified explanation (it is dummied down enough for me!):
Even if you live in a studio apartment, you have at least two listening rooms. Well, in a sense. Every listening room is, in essence, two listening rooms when you look at it from the perspective of sound.To midrange and treble frequencies, your listening room is like a billiards table. Like...
Note that when the above article was written, the D&M app was not available and it was "all or nothing" - you could only use XT32 full-range or not at all. The D&M app allows you to do what the author suggests in part 2 of this article with a more convenient approach!
300Hz is generally a good, conservative ballpark estimate, but below is a calculator, if you want to get more specific to your room. Unfortunately it is in metric, so I also linked a nice converter back and forth between inches to meters:
Instant free online tool for inch to meter conversion or vice versa. The inch [in] to meter [m] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert inch or meter to other length units or learn more about length conversions.