Thank you Peng.

I am glad that you were able to get some useful information from my posts, since that is what I intended to impart in the first place. I also thank you for respecting my view on these issues & not being condescending towards me whether you agree with me or not!
For me the bottom line is the music. If a piece of equipment helps to make the music sound better to my ears, then it is worth the expense, if it doesn't it's not.
I bought a separate amp because at the time I was considering purchasing harder to drive speakers & I was told that my Denon receiver couldn't handle the 4ohm load. So I got the Parasound HCA1500A. Well it made such a huge terrific difference in what I heard from old cd's I have listened to for years & thought I knew inside & out on a pair of speakers I have had for 16 yrs that I have pretty much scrapped the idea of getting new speakers!
Hopefully Scott will read through all of these posts & be able to come to some conclusion of whether or not he wants to add a separate amp. I will always point people in the direction of getting at least a 200wpc amp, because I know from MY experience that it is a most beneficial purchase.
And I have never had anyone come back & say that it didn't improve their system, including my own brother who is a musician.
I'm not going to debate with anyone about any of this, I'm simply going to state my own experience & let others decide for themselves.
Thanks once again for the pleasant conversation Peng.

You are a credit to this board & have left a very good impression on this member.
Take care.
PENG said:
2. To people like me, it is entertainment, as well as educational. mtry tend to make statements (occasionally..or rarely

) that people may not like, but I learnt a few things from his posts. Mostly recently I also learnt a couple of things (e.g. how a Joule meter works & how a not so heavy amp can be powerful) from cfrizz, a new member who offered suggestions. If I am not mistaken, cfrizz did not debate the amps sound same/differnece topic neither, just suggested the OP to go and try things out.