Not really, but it is closer to the viewers than before, naturally. After the combination of perceived improvements, including additional light control by way of both black paint and fabrics, I think I have bigger fish to fry including color accuracy as well video processing for 1080i source material (let alone the lower resolutions). I can pick out 1080i instantly just about, let alone 480i stuff. My RS1 supposedly passed the deinterlacing tests, but my Pana BD60 must deinterlace before sending off video via HDMI, and who knows how the two compare.
I am happy with the compromise in size I now have, when considering both brightness and sharpness loss by going bigger. If I can fry those other fish, and was somehow able to obtain the disposable income to get some more brightness, maybe even with 4K resolution in the distant future just for discussion's sake, I wouldn't mind a touch bigger now that I think about it. Well if I had a lot of money, I'd probably go scope, which I know you're not crazy about in theory, but that's for a general compromise in going supersized + ideal viewing "height" + flexibility in placing my main speakers with the width I have (or specifically not worrying about the screen frame). Or something like that. Oh I dunno.