Tweener Room
Stating the obvious, you can’t really enjoy watching a movie or listening to music for an extended period unless you are comfortable. When I first built out my new HT room, I thought that a large sectional couch (see above) would be the best all around solution for the room. It would allow more space for several people and would be good for conversation and lounging/relaxing in the room. What I have found is that I use the room mainly for HT and so DVD concerts and movie viewing account for 90% of the rooms use. I also have an HD TV more conveniently located downstairs for general TV viewing.
In hindsight, the comfort delta between a sofa or even sectional with ottoman and a good quality HT chair or recliner is huge. Because I did not want to do a totally dedicated HT with a pseudo theater motif and I was put off by recliners as "for old folks", I did it my way with the sectional. I do believe that the room looked better aesthetically with the sectional but the comfort trade off was much more than I expected. For me, couches are good for <30 minute duration stays. Much beyond that and I better be supine and asleep.
As this room is a dedicated space, I could easily make the change and am very happy with the result. For those of you who have to share your HT or music space you may not be able to make this work for you. Of all the systems I have seen on the internets

, only a few have been able to make this work (Seth V’s here is a notable example).
I picked up the fourth HT chair last night and set it up. Not bad looking but not really what I had in mind when I started out with the room, but damn … it’s comfortable.