rmk, I'm glad there are some like you who prolifically share with others their upgrade path. If only because I know whose brain to pick! So, two sets of questions for you, and no need to be comprehsensive. I'd be happy with any kind of insight unique to your experiences.
1. Are your rears dipoles? And your sides monopoles? I typically would see those types in the reverse positions. Have you tried monopoles as "rears" and dipoles as "sides"? How much difference, if any at all, do you find with either design in either position? I ask because I have only monopoles, and never tried other designs in those positions. It will most likely remain this way, but I still am curious nonetheless for your thoughts!
2. Regarding the order of calibrations you described, I again would find the reverse order to be recommended. I'm sure you are aware of all this stuff, have much more calibrating under your belt than many, etc. But I read that doing the simpler stuff before Audyssey would allow its processing powers to be more focused on areas where simpler stuff cannot remedy as easily. Example: passive acoustical treatments first, then say ARO, then SMS-1, then Audyssey. Outside of the treatments, I think you did it in reverse. Can you share your thoughts on this? Perhaps it just works better for you in your setup (obviously), but maybe there's a particular thing you can share with me/us in this regard that we have never read about before.
*ok, I re-read my post, and maybe for #2, its because you can more easily adjust to taste bass response... ? (for if you did Audyssey last, why would you fiddle with SMS-1 all over again?...)