Hey Sean
Nice progress with the cabinets - great photos. I'm superstitious about cutting holes for the drivers, I never trust the dimensions given on the websites. I wait until I get the drivers in hand. I hope Madisound had the correct dimensions. Also, go buy yourself some cheap dust masks now that you've finished most or all of the MDF cutting!
Highfigh - thanks for all your experienced tips. Can never have enough tips. I avoid using screws, and have used bondo or spackle as fill. Instead of using a file before sanding, I use a small palmsized Stanley Sureform after the filler dries, and then follow with sanding.
Someone (drab) asked earlier if this design has been published elsewhere. No it hasn't. I believe Dennis will eventually post it on his DIY website, but I'm not sure. I wrote it up and made the diagrams hoping to prod Dennis along.
This morning, I'm at Lake Placid, looking out my room over Mirror Lake. The hotel has wireless internet. My wife is still beautifying herself before we go and find some breakfast. So I'm looking at all of Sean's photos
