
Audioholic Samurai
mike c said:
im actually considering this myself. i dont need excuses about better sound, louder, etc. (these are excuses i tell my significant other)

i just want to buy something for this disease called audioholism. :p
AH-HA!, an honest and sensible man! I salute you.


Seriously, I have no life.
ruadmaa said:
mtrycrafts gave an excellent response. If you are using a powered subwoofer, chances are you really need no increase in amp power whatsoever. Your amp is loafing along at several watts. More watts do not make a system sound better. If your speakers are reasonably efficient you can turn up your speakers to ear shattering levels without clipping. If you are playing your system that loud, chances are you are damaging your hearing and couldn't tell the difference anyhow. Huge amps do make excellent paperweights however. They are also great to impress everyone on how affluent you are.

It is rather interesting that no one knows what the problem is, if there really is a problem, yet the advice is more power:D Scotty, we need more power. LOL :D


Seriously, I have no life.
mulester7 said:
.....and you're advocating to continue to use receiver amp sections, that "cannot", be as clean and quickly accurate as an amp section in a slave-unit with much higher damping factor, signal/noise, less mouths, and in short, a whole component produced to only accomplish one task, and do it right.....it's not most, about just the watts, necessarily, and at sweet-spot levels, it's everything, now including the watts.....

Mulster. no one know what his real problem is yet, do we? He only indicated he wants another amp, nothing more.

I guess there are lot of people in my hole:D


Seriously, I have no life.
mulester7 said:
.....Mtry, plain and simple, it just sounds better with the right type of amplification....we need to ascribe to the notion of seperates on at least the soundstage no matter what speakers we got, immho.....

It may, it may not.
Did he identify his problems yet?? I could have missed that issue but I don't think so. Who knows what his problem really is or what he really needs? We don't know the real issues yet. I don't jump into the unknown:D


Seriously, I have no life.
mike c said:
im actually considering this myself. i dont need excuses about better sound, louder, etc. (these are excuses i tell my significant other)

i just want to buy something for this disease called audioholism. :p

As nick said, that is an excellent reason to buy stuff.


Junior Audioholic
mulester7 said:
.....and you're advocating to continue to use receiver amp sections, that "cannot", be as clean and quickly accurate as an amp section in a slave-unit with much higher damping factor, signal/noise, less mouths, and in short, a whole component produced to only accomplish one task, and do it right.....it's not most, about just the watts, necessarily, and at sweet-spot levels, it's everything, now including the watts.....
You don't have any idea what this guy's situation is yet you tell him a seperate amp is the answer. This is your "cure" for every perceived shortcoming in everyone's system. Don't ask any questions, don't try to find out any specifics about the room and equipment, don't ask why the person is dissatisfied, just recommend a seperate amp.


mtrycrafts said:
It may, it may not.
Did he identify his problems yet?? I could have missed that issue but I don't think so. Who knows what his problem really is or what he really needs? We don't know the real issues yet. I don't jump into the unknown:D
So what exactly is the unknown for you? Have you actually ever tried adding additional amplification to your systems over the years? All other things being equal - just adding slave amp(s)? It has always made a positive difference in my experience - I have done it three times.
Last edited:


dponeill said:
You don't have any idea what this guy's situation is yet you tell him a seperate amp is the answer. This is your "cure" for every perceived shortcoming in everyone's system. Don't ask any questions, don't try to find out any specifics about the room and equipment, don't ask why the person is dissatisfied, just recommend a seperate amp.
Please review post #9


I dont recall him saying he had a problem, he was just thinking of upgrading his amp section. Outlaw has a 45 day trial period. They make amps that measure well and their sound is highly respected by those that LISTEN. I think that would be a logical choice. I say buy the amp! If you like the diff it makes in your system, keep it.



By the way Frank, i run a similar setup, using a denon 3803 rec. as a processor. The denon is a fine unit on its own, but adding a rotel rmb-1095 amp has made MY system SOUND better. Isnt that what this hobby is all about?


Seriously, I have no life.
eirepaul said:
So what exactly is the unknown for you? Have you actually ever tried adding additional amplification to your systems over the years? All other things being equal - just adding slave amp(s)? It has always made a positive difference in my experience - I have done it three times.
It is really irrelevant what I do, don't do to what issues he may have or not have, don't you think?

All the posts and not a follow up from Frank. Makes me wonder.

The unknown is why he is contemplating adding an amp. Maybe he has problems. Maybe he has imagined problems. Maybe he has money to burn. Maybe his amp section went out on one or more channels. Maybe a whole lot of unknowns. But, hey, people jump into empty swimming pools all the time.

And, that experience? It would be nice to know it made a real difference, not something just imagined. I'd rather not pay for such imaginations. Others, none of my business how they spend their $$$ especially when they know all the surrounding issues and can make educated choices, not based on half info.


mtrycrafts said:
It is really irrelevant what I do, don't do to what issues he may have or not have, don't you think?

All the posts and not a follow up from Frank. Makes me wonder.

The unknown is why he is contemplating adding an amp. Maybe he has problems. Maybe he has imagined problems. Maybe he has money to burn. Maybe his amp section went out on one or more channels. Maybe a whole lot of unknowns. But, hey, people jump into empty swimming pools all the time.

And, that experience? It would be nice to know it made a real difference, not something just imagined. I'd rather not pay for such imaginations. Others, none of my business how they spend their $$$ especially when they know all the surrounding issues and can make educated choices, not based on half info.
Mtrycrafts, you make absolutely no sense to me. But then, you don't really have to.


Junior Audioholic
to amp or not to amp

first let me thank everyone for responding to my tread about weather to buy a 200watt 5 channel amp. (using yamaha3300 as processor).
nobody needs to wonder why or guest what my problems are.
my wife says i have mental problems. perhaps i do.
gentleman, all of what we write on this forum is fun. that is what all of this is about fun. i do have some extra bucks to spend but not before i go to next years home theater show.
i have a great time with this hobby. i must have owned and sold at least 10 different stereo systems in my life and at least 1 home theater system before i built my current and last one.
i have noticed while i was in the market for an amplifier that it is not for the reasons of having more power to blow my remaining hearing away, it definitely enhances and gives more definition in sound. some things you did not hear before. i just wanted to have an idea of what people out there besides salesman are thinking.
hopefully by next week i will be putting some pictures that i have of my home theater room on this forum. thanks again to everyone!


Seriously, I have no life.
frankf said:
first let me thank everyone for responding to my tread about weather to buy a 200watt 5 channel amp. (using yamaha3300 as processor).
nobody needs to wonder why or guest what my problems are.
my wife says i have mental problems. perhaps i do.
gentleman, all of what we write on this forum is fun. that is what all of this is about fun. i do have some extra bucks to spend but not before i go to next years home theater show.
i have a great time with this hobby. i must have owned and sold at least 10 different stereo systems in my life and at least 1 home theater system before i built my current and last one.
i have noticed while i was in the market for an amplifier that it is not for the reasons of having more power to blow my remaining hearing away, it definitely enhances and gives more definition in sound. some things you did not hear before. i just wanted to have an idea of what people out there besides salesman are thinking.
hopefully by next week i will be putting some pictures that i have of my home theater room on this forum. thanks again to everyone!

Thanks for the new input on this matter.
If you don't seem to have any issues with that 3300 now, adding those 200 watt amps will not change anything but having more components.

If 5 watts from the 3300 doesn't reveal something thought to be there, 5 watts from the other amp will not do it either, no matter how you slice it, up to the limits of the amps.


Junior Audioholic
food for thought!

happy thanksgiving to all!
debate over more power. yamaha 3300 and a 200 watt amplifier? had a friend of a friend come over the other day.he works in a studio (channel 10). he listened to my questions and listened to my system with a glass of MONDOVI MERLOT and said i was NUTS! he thought that my rear surrounds and my rear center speakers should be upgraded. i believe he suggested the definitive bpx or the bpvx. they both have subs. he thought the system sounded quite clear and impressive, however the rears lacked a little luster, saying that they sound good but the system overall would be more impressive sounding with better rear surrounds.


Seriously, I have no life.
frankf said:
happy thanksgiving to all!
debate over more power. yamaha 3300 and a 200 watt amplifier? had a friend of a friend come over the other day.he works in a studio (channel 10). he listened to my questions and listened to my system with a glass of MONDOVI MERLOT and said i was NUTS! he thought that my rear surrounds and my rear center speakers should be upgraded. i believe he suggested the definitive bpx or the bpvx. they both have subs. he thought the system sounded quite clear and impressive, however the rears lacked a little luster, saying that they sound good but the system overall would be more impressive sounding with better rear surrounds.

I would agree with your friend of a friend:) in that speakers are the number one issue in audio, along with room acoustics.

My question now is, did you level match all your speakers with a test DVD and an spl meter? That can have a marked effect on sound as well.


Junior Audioholic
speakers? amps?

i used an spl meter that i purchased from radio shack. i feel pretty confident about the balance level between all of my speakers. this friend felt the bp1.2x speakers did not match up with the 2004's as would the definitive bpvx or at least the bpx's.
:confused: :confused: :)


Seriously, I have no life.
frankf said:
i used an spl meter that i purchased from radio shack. i feel pretty confident about the balance level between all of my speakers. this friend felt the bp1.2x speakers did not match up with the 2004's as would the definitive bpvx or at least the bpx's.
:confused: :confused: :)

Selecting the right speakers is not easy, nor matching them well. But, your speaker issues need to be taken care of before any amp issues discussed.


Junior Audioholic
looking for problems?

mtrycrafts said:
Selecting the right speakers is not easy, nor matching them well. But, your speaker issues need to be taken care of before any amp issues discussed.
you are right! i just can't understand why i did not see this problem before>>>or am i looking for one. one thing i intend to do is go this week to a couple of stores that carry my speakers and do some comparing.

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis