

Audioholic Samurai
tdeluce said:
Having a hard time making out exactly what you are saying BUT:
.....all that was just a follow-up on WorkHardToPlayHard's appraisal, TDeluce, and my opinions on the Earthquake 3 channel amp....


mulester7 said:
.....all that was just a follow-up on WorkHardToPlayHard's appraisal, TDeluce, and my opinions on the Earthquake 3 channel amp....
I gathered that much :)

Dan Banquer

Full Audioholic
Need a new Amp

From Mulester 7

"let's see....controlling the speaker elements better, cleaner, authority in the low-end especially, and you suddenly find out the authority extends to the highest cymbal or bell.....yep....WorkHardToPlayHard, that surround receiver pushing the other speakers getting more harsh the louder they got was increasing distortion.....DTulouseStreet, did you ever find the damping factor rating of the Earthquake 3 channel amp?.....112 signal noise at 1k....111 at 5k....110 at 10k....with 95 db seperation, and THD's having two 0's before every one....with the highest being .006....boys, that's plumbed stout....."

Other than the power issues, the 95 db separation spec could well be an issue here. One of things that I have observed is that most of the cross coupling found in equipment is out of phase with the primary signal, typically due to capacitive coupling and 90 degrees out of phase. I have also observed that reducing radiated crosstalk between channels also gives greater noise immunity.

Now I expect that mytrycrafts and Wmax may say differently, but I will ignore them, as most of the research they quote is out of date, and does not recognize the difference between in phase and out of phase crosstalk.


The Anthem MCA 30 is considered a really good AMP with good channel
separation and it only specs >65 dB separation.

The Earhquarke AMPs >95 dB separation - considerably more.

Why would you suspect an issue with separation with the Earthquake Sound

Dan Banquer said:
From Mulester 7

"let's see....controlling the speaker elements better, cleaner, authority in the low-end especially, and you suddenly find out the authority extends to the highest cymbal or bell.....yep....WorkHardToPlayHard, that surround receiver pushing the other speakers getting more harsh the louder they got was increasing distortion.....DTulouseStreet, did you ever find the damping factor rating of the Earthquake 3 channel amp?.....112 signal noise at 1k....111 at 5k....110 at 10k....with 95 db seperation, and THD's having two 0's before every one....with the highest being .006....boys, that's plumbed stout....."

Other than the power issues, the 95 db separation spec could well be an issue here. One of things that I have observed is that most of the cross coupling found in equipment is out of phase with the primary signal, typically due to capacitive coupling and 90 degrees out of phase. I have also observed that reducing radiated crosstalk between channels also gives greater noise immunity.

Now I expect that mytrycrafts and Wmax may say differently, but I will ignore them, as most of the research they quote is out of date, and does not recognize the difference between in phase and out of phase crosstalk.

Dan Banquer

Full Audioholic
New Amp

I'm sorry my post confused you. I have no issues with the separation spec of the Earthquake, and what I was trying to say is that high separation is generally a good thing. If were looking for a multichannel amp it is one of the specs I would give a lot of attention to.


Dan Banquer said:
I'm sorry my post confused you. I have no issues with the separation spec of the Earthquake, and what I was trying to say is that high separation is generally a good thing. If were looking for a multichannel amp it is one of the specs I would give a lot of attention to.
now I understand - I definitely agree with you...

P.S. the Earthquake Sound Cinenova Grande series are monoblock designs. You can also easly pull one out and to have it serviced
while the other amps remain operational.


Audioholic Intern
Dan Banquer said:
I'm sorry my post confused you. I have no issues with the separation spec of the Earthquake, and what I was trying to say is that high separation is generally a good thing. If were looking for a multichannel amp it is one of the specs I would give a lot of attention to.
The Halo A51 specs state the following:

Interchannel crosstalk: > 78 dB at 1 kHz; > 63 dB at 20 kHz

I'm assuming this is the same thing as channel separation. Yes?


Audioholic Samurai
tdeluce said:
At $1399 it is a steal.
.....I can certainly go along with this on the Earthquake 3 channel amp....another thread is seeking an amp for $1000 with, I think it was, 5 mouths to feed from one transformer claiming 125 at 8....guys, my path is established....I'll add amps different from the Earthquake amp to stay matched and ain't hurtin' at all with my amps, thanks, but if I had a surround receiver and no amps, I would find $1399 would be done with amping the front soundstage for life with the receiver powering the surrounds, and could add Outlaw monoblocks down the road.....sure, $1399 is a swarm of money, but I would try to find a way, but hey, that's just me....I hate to even post this considering many of you have young families and regular monthlies, but it's what I honestly feel, and we should express what we honestly feel, no?......
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mulester7 said:
.....I can certainly go along with this on the Earthquake 3 channel amp....another thread is seeking an amp for 1000....guys, my path is established....I'll add amps different from the Earthquake amp to stay matched, but if I had a surround receiver and no amps, I would find $1399 would be done with amping the front soundstage for life with the receiver powering the surrounds, and could add Outlaw monoblocks down the road.....sure, $1399 is a swarm of money, but I would try to find a way, but hey, that's just me....I hate to even post this considering many of you have young families and regular monthlies, but it's what I honestly feel, and we should express what we honestly feel, no?......
That's the way I feel - my next upgrade will be a processor whenever
the new sound formats get solidified. I would like to go with a com
like Anthem who has a track record of continually upgrading their
processors. I would also like to see what Denon is coming out with...

But I doubt I will be upgrading amps anytime soon - soon meaning
at least the next decade or so :)

I still cannot believe they are giving this amp away for $1399 - I could
care less abour XLR inputs ( I have my amp right next to my receiver ).


Audioholic Samurai
tdeluce said:
That's the way I feel - my next upgrade will be a processor whenever
the new sound formats get solidified. I would like to go with a com
like Anthem who has a track record of continually upgrading their
processors. I would also like to see what Denon is coming out with...

But I doubt I will be upgrading amps anytime soon - soon meaning
at least the next decade or so :)

I still cannot believe they are giving this amp away for $1399 - I could
care less abour XLR inputs ( I have my amp right next to my receiver ). they make a converter to input balanced signals into an amp, or does it take a different circuit inside, to employ balanced signals?.....


mulester7 said: they make a converter to input balanced signals into an amp, or does it take a different circuit inside, to employ balanced signals?.....
It would defeat the whole purpose of using XLR if you simply converted
it to RCA...

Why do you want to do this?


tdeluce said:
It would defeat the whole purpose of using XLR if you simply converted
it to RCA...

Why do you want to do this?
P.S. I personally believe that RCA is as good or better than XLR for short

XLR uses differential signaling so has greater noise immunity over long
runs of cable...


Audioholic Spartan
Another thing is that not many amps with XLR inputs are fully balanced on the inside. It kind of makes me wonder...why bother with balanced inputs when the internal circuitry isn't balanced.


Audioholic Samurai
tdeluce said:
P.S. I personally believe that RCA is as good or better than XLR for short

XLR uses differential signaling so has greater noise immunity over long
runs of cable..., a balanced input for an amp is like a low impedence microphone input chosen for longer runs of mic cord?....I claim ignorant on XLR inputs.....wasn't it obvious?......


Audioholic Samurai
tdeluce said:
It would defeat the whole purpose of using XLR if you simply converted
it to RCA...

Why do you want to do this?
.....TDeluce, I didn't say I wanted to do that, and I'm not only talking an rca converted to another head by an adapter....are the XLR inputs on an amp an improvement?....what are they for, and what is gained? anything gained?.....let's look at all sides's about time for you to stroll in , WmAx......


mulester7 said:
.....TDeluce, I didn't say I wanted to do that, and I'm not only talking an rca converted to another head by an adapter....are the XLR inputs on an amp an improvement?....what are they for, and what is gained? anything gained?.....let's look at all sides's about time for you to stroll in , WmAx......
When you use "differential" signaling you typically get greater noise immunity
than with a "single ended" signal.

So if you have your amp, say 10 feet away from your processor, you
might benefit from a cleaner signal since your rca cable would be more
suspectable to noise introduced with the length.

P.S. I am really digging 4000 Watts of clean Audio Amplification :)
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Audioholic Samurai
tdeluce said:
When you use "differential" signaling you typically get greater noise immunity
than with a "single ended" signal.

So if you have your amp, say 10 feet away from your processor, you
might benefit from a cleaner signal since your rca cable would be more
suspectable to noise introduced with the length.

P.S. I am really digging 4000 KiloWatts of clean Audio Amplification :)
I suspect that rather strong interferance would be required to inject appreciable noise into a 10 foot length. I know that I have never had any such problem, even running 12' lengths on a routine basis.



WmAx said:
I suspect that rather strong interferance would be required to inject appreciable noise into a 10 foot length. I know that I have never had any such problem, even running 12' lengths on a routine basis.

I agree with you. That is why I said "might benefit"...

I run about 3 foot length so I believe I am covered too :)

By the way, watched 'War of the Worlds' at 3 dB above reference
level - HOLY SH!T - that is one hell of a frig'in soundtrack...

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