I'm in the market for a new receiver, and with $275 bucks in gift cards for futureshop, I have a decent range at my disposal. Problem is, I'm a Yamaha guy. My trusty RXV440 is now outdated, lacking hdmi, as well as any hd codec support and 7.1. This would normally not be an issue, Yamaha makes lots of receivers that fill that void, but none of them are available any longer. The new ones are coming but they aren't here yet. The RXV575 and 675 are sold out, the only ones left are the 375 and 1075.
This is made me starting thinking; I don't know jack about current receivers. I don't know what brands are reputable (although I will not buy an onkyo, don't even try recommending one), I don't know who's making the best what's. I know Yamaha has great dsp's, but I don't even use the ones I have, so it's not a huge selling feature.
So I need advice. And I'll do you a favor and narrow it down, I can only buy from futureshop. Go there to see a list of what's available (make sure it says in stock, I live I British Columbia).