Peng responded aptly to this. But if I may add some other considerations. I doubt anyone is stating that if you have a difficult load, or you are the person who drives their gear knowingly at its limits constantly, your amp needs are such that would meet such a extreme need. I wonder if you surveyed all the audio gear owners to assume that most do drive it to the limits and beyond, or, just think this. I cannot agree with you on this, and I think that is allowed to do
What you will see being posted mostly, is a speaker drives the needs and the listening habits of the user, room size, distance to the listening position.
Or, if one's preferences are the driving force, not a perceived need.
here is what i mainly disagree with,when you post in threads that all amps sound the same
But, you see, I don't post this, you assume this is what is posted; you see what you want to read. I just gave you the SET that they don't sound the same, of when you exceed their design limits. Unfortunately, many make testable claims with no supporting evidence. I take exceptions to them.
it gives newbee's the impression that sounding the same & performing the same are one in the same which they are not.
I am not sure about how this may be interpreted, even by new members as we usually ask enough questions to properly respond.
most specs are based on dummy loads which do not apply to real world demands & some manufacturers chose to either over rate their gear or even under rate their gear,
But, DBT data is from real world conditions, not dummy loads

So, in the end, it is moot. And, third party specs are looked to for what reliable specs are.
this thread is an excellent case in point with the klipschorns,you can read the specs for a week & still not know how overly built & under rated the speakers are,the specs also do not tell the truth when it comes to real world power handeling.
I wonder how the maker arrived at its impedance and sensitivity? Actually, if the sensitivity is from an anechoic chamber run, it is under rated from real world as room gain is excluded, about 4dB. That is a lot of power. And, if Stereopile measured the impedance, it would be over the whole frequency range
[/b]being that khorns are extremely under rated/over built & that recomendations for amplification have been given by some people based soley on specs in my oponion the advice given is bad advice,this is where first hand knowledge comes into play, without first hand knowledge of what a khorn is capable of there is no way to get them to perform to their maximum capability by reading the specs supplied from klipsch.[/b]
Under rated? You mean they are under the specs? If they are over the specs, then the recommendations are conservative, no?
And, one should ask then how that first hand knowledge came by? Just listening? No instrument measurements? The, it is unreliable and useless.
Just because it is first hand doesn't mean it is reliable, does it.
You may want to read this DBT:
3 audiophiles flunked. I would think that these two amps had way different DF???