Then what could you POSSIBLY mean by the music died in the 90s. According to you, it doesn't mean music died in the 90s, it also doesn't mean music after the 90s sucks. You need to explain that one for me.
It's been explained a dozen times and there are many reasons that could be given:
1. The CD loudness wars
2. The advent of lossy compression. Now that is something you often rail against when you don't recognize how it works and what it is good for and what it is not good for.
3. Record company 'marketing' of artists - picking the one genre or 'girl/boy bands' etc. Basically what is deemed to sell.
4. Many more but of course you jump to conclusions and feel that somehow a generic statement applies to you. Must be your own insecurities.
I guess what it comes down to is you making a thread about naming a song. I named the song, and you were mad that I used google to obtain the answer. I'm guessing you think google cheapened your thread, because I was able to gain the answer without being born 20 years ago. Is this close? Cold or Hot? I can see from your first reply that you thought I shouldn't know about the band because I'm younger then you, and I don't, but not for that reason. You didn't specify how this "game" works.
I wasn't 'mad'. That's ridiculous. Zero degrees Kelvin cold.
At first I thought 'it figures a canadian would know about a famous canadian band' but you somehow took offense to that. Again, it is inside your head.
So you say 'it's google stupid'. I said it would take someone with experience not Google because that is what I was looking for. Have you noticed that nobody has ventured a guess, asked for a hint, or even as I had hoped offered their own 'remember when' lyrics or turned the discussion to the meaning behind songs like that? Nope, you thoroughly derailed the thread due to your own inner demons.
Your (perceived) life experience puts you firmly on your high horse where you lecture about stereotypes and attitude when in fact it is your own attidude. You proved that when you turn around and sling the same kind of crap that you accused me of - which again - was NOT said or even implied.
Anyone that can stand on their soap box and shout about being fair to everyone and then turn around and make the juvenile playground statement that liking skating means you have been in a hole somewhere and don't know anything about things that you supposedly do is just plain comical. It would be like me saying you don't understand because you are short and fat and can't do 10 pushups (remember that thread?)
Once again, do you want to compare resumes? Before you make your stupid remarks it might be a good idea to have some idea of the qualifications and experience of your opponent.
I'm done with you Sheep. You have nothing to offer in any rational discussion. But thanks for derailing a topic that could have been fun.