I think "wokeness" in media is going to have usefulness for a limited time because it's free publicity. But it'll wear out, someday we'll look back on it, when the majority starts seeing it as the exploitative marketing tactic that it really is.
Generally agree with this. It's useful for moving the conversation forward, which is absolutely necessary! Do I mind a Female 007, regardless of race? No. And I didn't mind the Woke-Bot from Solo, either.

The sad part is our society still largely abides by the same set of rules that minimizes/marginalizes the role of any non-white-male...
A Copernican styled paradigm shift for our society is long overdue: just as Geocentrism died, so too should the way we value other humans. When we, as a whole, learn to stop celebrating our differences and begin to celebrate ourselves for our similarities, we will find ourselves much better off.